19.) I Didn't Want To Wake Up

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      ⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
Miscarriage, Drug Abuse, Self Harm
   I woke up, I groaned my head was pounding. I set up slowly and looked at all the blood. I guess I would need to clean this up. I stood up slowly trying to make sure I wouldn't pass out. I snapped my fingers cleaning myself up. I didn't prefer to use magic to stay clean but I didn't feel like a shower right now. I was dressed in a black turtleneck to cover my bruises from Sebastian. The sleeves would cover my cuts. I had on black leggings to match. My hair ran down my back, I couldn't care less if it was up or not today.
    I snapped my fingers to clean the bathroom. I loved my powers normally now everything felt like a chore. I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt like Hell. I made the room look like normal before making my way downstairs. I didn't pay attention to anyone just taking a bottle of cheap whiskey off the shelf behind the bar. I walked away chugging it down.

"A/N?" Charlie said. I flipped her off leaving the hotel. I would pay for that later. I was going to Val, I wanted to forget everything. My arms and legs burned, and my body was cramping which was expected.
   I got to the studio not even greeting the receptionist. I went to the elevator and pressed the button to Val's level. The doors opened too slow for my liking. He was sitting on the couch with the other two V's. Velvette looked at me,

"Please don't. I'm not in the mood today." I set next to Val who had a drink in his hand. I don't fucking care if he was talking to Vox or not. I took the drink from him downing it.

"Ooh, feisty today baby. Velvette leave us please." She got up look of worry on her face. My Vel was hurt, she wanted to know what was going on.

"Overdose me, Val. I don't want to feel anything. Then just take me to Velvettes floor." He blew smoke in my face, I got up stripping to my underwear and bra.

"Oh no poor thing" I started dancing to the music that was playing. I agreed and he wanted it. I started to rub against him, I felt him get hard. I wanted to forget existed. He pulled me against him biting my neck. I sucked in a breath as the venom filled my veins.

"Come back more often."

"Yes, Val," I responded, Val bit me again. I was passing out as he bit me a third time.

~Angel Dust POV~
   Velvette just called me, A/N was at the studio. She looked like shit and was getting Val's venom. What happened yesterday?

"Charlie, we gotta go now!" I yelled, we all took off in the limo. I was panicking, we ran into the studio. The elevator couldn't go fast enough. The elevator stopped on Velvettes floor. She was standing on her couch holding an ice pack to A/N's chest. She was crying.

"S-something happened last night." She said, oh no I hope I wasn't right. Did she lose the baby? I felt my heart break, I almost lost her. Now we lost our child and she was passed out. Husk picked her up,

"Angel Dust, keep me updated." I nodded as we made our way back downstairs. My heart was coming out of my chest.

"She miscarried" I whisper when we were back in the limo. I was crying holding her against me. I kissed her head.

"W-what?" Charlie said. I looked up everyone was crying even Husk.

"She went to Earth to the doctor yesterday. She was gonna supposed to surprise everyone." I pushed her hair out of the way.


"She's gonna be fine. We will put her in the bathtub again." I said softly, looking back down at the woman I loved. This took a toll on her, I would be here for her through it all.
   We made our way back to the hotel, Husk took her up to our room as I ran a cool bath. I stripped her clothes, oh Satan. Her body was bruised, she had cuts everywhere, and her wrist was slashed. She didn't want to live, I don't blame her. My heart was shattered. I laid her in the tub holding her head above.

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