4.) Confessions of A Morningstar

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   After making sure everyone left us alone, I walked back to my chair. Angel had his legs crossed,

"Like what you're looking at?" I smirked, he knew the smart remark I was going to make.

"Shouldn't I be telling you the same thing? You haven't stopped looking at me like I was a snack since I stood up." Angel loved it when I dressed up for work, I'm pretty sure he wanted to play with a doctor. I took my white coat off and hung it up on the coat rack. Then I kicked my flats off by the door. I hated wearing shoes but I was a professional after all.

"Well ya sugar maybe I'm sick cough cough" I rolled my eyes at his actions. I turned around to look at him,

"Well, maybe I can take care of ya." He smirked, but I was going to win this round. I put my hands on my hips and wiggled them as I walked. This was going to be super fun.

"So, Mr. Dust it appears we have a cough." I tilt his chin up with my finger. He gulped, payback was a bitch and it seemed I had caught the spider in my web. I then ran a finger up and down his leg.

"Reflexes seem to have a good range of motion" Angel was turning bright red as I continued. I leaned in close to his ear and blew my warm breath against his neck. This sent a chill over his whole body. I smirked and pulled away.

"Hearing test went very well" I snapped my finger by his ear and he jumped a little. Teasing Angel was a thrill to me. I stood in front of him and tapped his knee, then I spread his legs wide and leaned down.

"No abrasions or cuts, do you mind if I look under your suit jacket, sir?" He took it off quickly, I looked at his chest fluff and bit my lip. I wanted this to be fun but I was getting just as turned on.
   Angel jumped down, grabbed my arm, and started pulling me out of my office. Oh shit, what was about to happen? Normally Angel would just tease me back or kiss my cheek and whisper cheesy shit in my ear. It wasn't like Angel to not flirt back with me and take off. Where were we even going? I started laughing a blush creeping on my cheeks,

"Angel, where are we going?" He looked back at me smirking. That was the face that I loved so much. I felt my heart melt, I wasn't big on relationships. I was focused on helping Charlie and working at St. An's. Something about seeing Angel change from being the addict he was to defending the hotel made my heart change.
   Angel pushed me into the elevator making me lose my train of thought. I laughed when he caught me. My back was against the wall of the elevator when Angel leaning against me. Our faces were inches apart, both of us panting looking in the eyes of the other. I leaned up a few inches and closed the gap between our faces. I pressed my lips against Angel, I felt his lower arms wrap around my waist while his top set was in my hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me.
We broke apart breathing heavily when we heard the ding of the elevator door opening. God fucking damn it, it wasn't long enough!

"Let's head to my room Toots" he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek. He pulled me into his room and flipped the light off before pushing me onto his bed. His room was glowing pink from all the fairy lights. I remember helping him redecorate his room after the fight. My mind snapped back to reality when Angel started crawling up the bed towards me. His eyes twinkled with lust, the same lust in my eyes. W-was we going to fuck! Yes, please please I needed it from all the stress from work. If Angel were playing with me I would die right here. Angel didn't know I had feelings for him and I knew sex was a bad idea with him. I needed it more than anything right now
Angel climbed over the top of me and then straddled me,

"Your turn to be all hot and bothered" My cheeks instantly turned a deep red from his actions. He started chuckling low. He reached down running his hand up and down my chest. Yes! My brain wasn't speaking the words I needed. I put my hand on his cheek and smiled. My Angel was back, the one who loved to tease me. I was glad he wasn't going to stay upset with me. I don't think I could handle the silent treatment from him. Smiling down at me he slid off of me and grabbed his TV remote. He put on some soft music and looked over his shoulder,

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