2.) Whats With All These Meetings

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   I get patted awake, I groan and roll away from the patting.

"Baby wake up," says a soft voice. Wait that voice, I shot up and looked. Oh fuck, I fell asleep and standing in my room was Angel. He smirked, oh that cocky bastard had it coming now.

"Easy baby girl," he said softly before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Dinners ready, Vaggie was going to come get you but I volunteered since I was coming to get Fat Nuggets." I looked around for the cut little hell pig.

"Where is my Nuggies at Angel" This made Angel laugh.  He pulled me up and out the door. I heard a little oink behind me. I turned around and picked up Nuggie. I started giving him kisses.

"Hey now I'm jealous why don't I get any of those," Angel said sticking his tongue out at you. I smiled and kissed his cheek. Angel was still his flirtatious self but when he was with you he was a big softly.
   I remember the first time he wasn't a dick to me. We were down in the bar right after Alastor had come. I was talking to Husk and Angel was calling him kitty. I laughed and told Angel he needed to get some pussy I guess. He looked me in the eye and said maybe but only yours. My face turned blood red before I started laughing. Since that day Angel and I become almost inseparable. We always would tease each other and play around but we clicked. I never laughed so hard then the day Alastor asked Angel what he could do. Angels response was "I could suck ya dick". I snorted from it, I had to excuse myself so I could go laugh. I laughed so hard I cried. Angel might be a drug-addicted porn star but he was funny as hell.
We walked down the hallway and I was petting Fat Nuggets when I heard a voice. I set Nuggets down and turned around to see my third favorite person Alastor.

"My dear, you look tired," Alastor said with his never-ending smile. I nodded and wiped my eyes, Angel went ahead downstairs to the kitchen.

"Long day with Val," I said and started walking beside him.

"I heard we have some new guests getting ready to move in. I bet that's exciting. Just please don't scare them away" I said and Alastor nodded back.

"Never my dear, Charlie and I have made wonderful progress with this hotel." I could never stop listening to Alastor's voice. He was the radio demon and most people were scared of him. I was not, Alastor and I bonded over radio.

"Alastor, do you think I could come to your studio soon? As much as I adore you being in the hotel your studio is relaxing to me."

"Well, you are always welcome there. You know that we can always put together a broadcast to show a certain demon who's in charge." Alastor and Vox hated each other and I had to deal with Vox sometimes. Alastor knew I would never talk to Vox about him. I wanted to broadcast a certain overlord's scream. Alastor used to broadcast screams and would probably be happy to broadcast two of the V's.

"I know, I tried to make a contract with him today. I ended up leaving with Angel and giving him a week to think on it." Alastor and I walked down the steps together before heading to the kitchen. I smelled the food before even entering the dining room.

"Whoever made this jambalaya is my new favorite person!" I knew who made it and Angel jumped up.

"I made it," he said matter of factly. I laughed and so did everyone else. Angel couldn't cook to save his life if he needed to. Well, he maybe could cook meth. I sat down and Niffty served me a bowl. She was too sweet, I could have got it myself.
Everyone was talking about the new guest that would be moving in. I sat silent just taking in all of the voices. We were going to be offering some programs to help transition demons who were interested from the streets to the hotel. That reminded me I had a meeting with Emily and Sera this week, as well as a meeting with the overlords plus the meetings at St. An's at the end of the week. How did I get stuck with all these meetings? I was going to need to touch base with someone to see if I could move them around so I could go talk to Valentino at the end of the week as I said.

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