3.) Smile For The Camera

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   My eyes fluttered open as the red glow shined in my eyes. What time was it? I fell asleep on the swing. I set up to stretch, my muscles were sore from sleeping on the wooden swing. I wish I had my phone so I could see the time. I needed to walk back to the hotel by avoiding the main town. I didn't want anyone to see me in my pajamas. I let my feet lead me to the hotel. It wasn't that far of a walk to me but most would think it would be. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun to keep the hair out of my face.
   I looked up from the ground to see the hotel in my distant view. I looked at all the bars and stores while walking. I wanted to get a drink but I didn't have time and I was NOT about to dressed as I was. I walked up to the hotel door. Everyone was standing in the living room looking concerned. Shit, this was not going to be an easy conversation. I tried to sneak by them but Alastor put his hand on my shoulder.

"Well well, welcome back my dear" Alastor spoke. I signed and looked up as everyone snapped their heads toward us.

"You look like shit" Husk was the first to speak. I didn't see Angel Dust. Was he still asleep in my room or did he have work today? I hoped he didn't have work today. I know that Angel would have a rough day if he did.

"You said you were going to the palace!" Dad yelled across the room. I looked away sheepishly.

"I-I was but I got sidetracked and fell asleep," I said sneaking off. I had a lot of work to do today I was not going to get yelled at this early. I walked slowly to my room and opened the door. Angel wasn't there thank heaven. I went to my closet and pulled out a dress suit and my white doctor's jacket. I laid them neatly on the bed before heading to the shower.
My shower was quick since I took one last night. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up in a towel. I needed to go talk to Angel about last night but I had a shift at the hospital to attend to. I blew dry my hair quickly and brushed it into a high pony. I push my glasses only to my face before putting my outfit on. I slid my jacket over my arms and smiled. This was my safe spot away from Angel.

~Angel Dust POV~

   After A/N took off I went back to my room. I knew she was going to Charlie's room. I touched my lips again, I couldn't believe she kissed me. I didn't even know she could see souls. Mine was under contact with Valentino so I was in shock. My heart skipped a beat thinking of her lips pressed softly against mine. Did I have feelings for this girl? I mean I was bisexual but I never told anyone. I had a preference with men but for her, I would do anything. I ended up laying down and falling asleep thinking of the events that just happened.
   I woke up early and decided I was going to stay in bed today. I wasn't going back to the studio until A/N had her meeting with Val. She had work today and I know this week was packed with meetings. Ever since the fight with Adam the extermination angels she's kept herself busy. I knew she was depressed and I was going to be there for her as much as she let me. I felt Fat Nuggets wiggle his way into my hip. I smiled, I loved that little pig.
   I lay there until about noon when I heard a knock on the door.

"Angel, have you seen A/N?" Charlie's soft voice spoke through the door. I shot out of bed. A/N wasn't back yet? I thought she went to Charlie's room last night. I opened the door with a look of panic on my face.

"I take that as a no," Charlie's eyes said wide. I shook my head no. Where was she, did she go to a club or bar? Her phone was on her nightstand when I left her room last night. Fuck is she okay or was she hurt?

"Her phone is in her room" I blurted out quickly. I quickly changed out of my teddy bear onesie into my normal suit jacket and shorts. I rushed downstairs to see everyone was already in the living room talking about places she might be.

"She told me last night she was going to the palace to sleep." Lucifer was telling everyone. Alastor had his usual smile on his face. The tension in the air was thick between the two but when it came to the youngest Princess Morningstar they stood side by side.

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