15.) What The Unholy Hell Is That

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   After leaving Vaggies grasp I headed up to my office. Once I settled in front of my computer I looked around at all the paperwork that needed to be filed. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket,

Little Flame, Fizz, and I went out for a stroll with your Father.

I felt like a child again. Ozzie was just making sure I wouldn't be looking for him. Getting up slowly I turned in the radio Alastor had gifted me. Soft jazz played throughout the room. Making my way back to my computer a small smile formed on my lips. I was happy even after the events of today. I was so happy for Charlie, her happiness could change any mood that I was in. I turned my computer on so I could email Sera. Who knew Heaven had emails? I shook my head chuckling at the thought. I typed out a long detailed oriented email for Sera asking about when we could set up our next meeting before turning my attention to my work email. St. An's wanted me to pick up a few shifts this week if I had the time. I responded that I couldn't pick up shifts until Thursday but I wanted to spend the weekend here with everyone.
   After responding to the numerous emails from St. An's I started going through the paperwork Charlie left for me. I loved paperwork for some sick reason. The forms were simple enough but I pulled up my document app deciding it would be best to scan them in. I turned to my printer and let it do all the hard work for me.
   Once the documents got scanned I looked over them on the computer making sure the information matched. Alastor wasn't a big fan of newer technology so for his peace of mind, I still kept a filing cabinet. Everything was organized by date and alphabetical order for each of the periods. I stood up stretching my legs and loosening up my body. I made my way over to the filing cabinet, making sure it all got out in its correct spot.
   Softly a knock could be heard over the music,

"Come in" I spoke sitting back down in my chair. Charlie and Vaggie popped through the door with wide eyes.

"Can we have your help?" I raised an eyebrow,

"Of course for what?"

"There is a little boy in the lobby with a letter. They won't speak to us." This piqued my curiosity as to why they needed me. Charlie was amazing with children.

"Okay..." Vaggie interrupted me.

"I think he is deaf. He won't speak but we need to hurry because it's just Husk, Angel, and Alastor." Yep, she was one hundred percent correct. Sliding out of the chair I just sat in, we all three made our way to the lobby.

"Alastor you scaring the thing!" I heard Husk say. Husk stared wide-eyed at Alastor holding his hand up. Angel was crouched down in front of the young boy. He kept saying it was okay and no one was going to hurt him. I couldn't see him yet but I made my way closer. The boy was signing "deaf". Thanks, Vaggie for the obvious observation. I turned my gaze to the boy putting my hand on Angels' shoulder he stood up. I got on my knees letting the dress lay on the floor. I was looking him in the eyes, he was scared but I didn't blame him.
   The boy had to be no older than five, he was wearing a vest with a light blue undershirt and slacks. Something I knew firsthand that people wore to church on Earth. He was crying, his eyes were puffy but they held the bluest eyes I had ever seen. His light blonde hair ruffled to the side. He was new or at least had to be. Unless he was taken good care of. I could see his soul, it was white and pure. Somehow he was in Hell, maybe it's because whoever he died with was all he had.
   I signed my name and watched as the young boy's whole body relaxed. Slowly he responded by telling me his name was Dominic. I smiled, and this made him smile back. Asking his age and where his family was. This made him hand me the letter, he told me he was five. I was right on the money. I told Dominic, we could go sit on the couch so he didn't have to stand. Angel helped me stand up before we made our way over to the couch. I set on the table in front of him. I asked if I could open the letter, and he nodded.

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