Bad Blood

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Emma stood with her arms crossed, looking up at the camera that was installed, glaring up at it.

First, her first surgery back was an amputation on a kid that she could barely make it through. Then the ER is closed, and now this.

"They've installed cameras." Meredith said, as her and Cristina joined the shorter blonde.

"They're all over the CCU." Emma mumbled. 

"Next, they'll be in the OR's, the halls, the on-call rooms."

"We're being spied on." Emma whispered as the dark haired doctor listed. 

"Who knows what evil lurks behind that electronic eye." Cristina finished.

"Morning, Dr. Yang." Emma jumped at the male voice coming from the camera. 

"Big brother knows my name." Cristina whispered. 

"Big brother can see your name tag." Meredith whispered back.

"Let's leave." Emma whispered. 

"Doesn't this accountant need us in the OR?" Meredith asked.

"Pretty sure she does. All about making sure we're not wasting time yet here she is wasting time." Emma uncrossed her arms, shoving her hands in her coat pockets. 

"She's has to be joking right? Isn't this kind of ass backwards?" Cristina asked as the three tied their hair back and scrub caps on.

"We already lost the level one trauma center rank, why not make it worse?" Emma asked.

The three made it to the OR floor, taking their white coats off and walking into the room.

Emma's eyes locked with Alex's from across the way.

It was no seceret the blonde was pissed at the man for what he did in her OR, her surgery. And she has yet to forgive him for it. So much so that he has been banished to the couch. 

"Good morning!" Alana said, walking into the OR.

"Why are we wasting money installing cameras rather than keeping our ER open?" April asked.

"They want to spy on us." Emma said quietly.

"The cameras are not here to spy on you. They are here to supplement you." Emma's eyes widended. She was sure no one, other than April, had heard her comment. "On the other side of the camera is a remote physician, an extra set of eyes to help reduce mistakes, improve patient carea nd maximize physician hours-"

Emma rolled her eyes, tilting her head back as she began to ignore what the woman was saying. She looked around at the doctors around her, noticing similar reactions from everyone. Everyone.

"Does that answer your questions?" Emma jumped back to reality.

"With disturbing clarity." Cristina said sarcasitcally. Emma chuckled.

"All right. Let's move on then." Emma's smirk disappeared as Alana began to gesture behind her. "As you can see, the OR has been arranged with maximum efficiency, specifically for OR turnover. Now, what is the main causes of bottleneck?"

The room was silent.

"The answer is the layout of OR supply, equipment, and instruments. So, what we have done here-"

"What did we miss?" Callie asked, suddenly appearing beside Emma.

"ORs are sloppy and there are doctors in the ceiling." Emma whispered.

"What? What does that even mean?" Arizona asked.

"We'd know if you'd just put her stupid tights on her." Emma knew Callie was talking about getting Sofia dressed this morning. 

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