Remember The Time

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All she heard was groans of pain and growling.

"Get away from her! Go!" 

Emma's eyes opened as she heard Cristina's voice in the distance. 

"Get away!" She heard Cristina screaming like a mad man.

"Sh-She's getting them away from Lexie." Mark said breathlessly.


"W-Wolves." Emma looked at the man as he laid in Arizona's lap. "H-How's Ellie?" 

"Stop talking, you need to rest." Emma told him. "Sh-She's fine. Moving anyway."

She continued to listen to Cristina screaming at the wolves. 

What she wasn't expecting was one coming straight towards them.

"Shit." She sat up straight. The movement started the creature as it licked their lips. "We're alive you bastard!" She screamed, throwing a piece of the plane at him. 


"We're alive! We're alive! We're alive!" 


"Emma!" Her eyes snapped open. Alex was hovering over her, Ellie was crying. 

"I-I got her." She peeled the blankets off her, them sticking to her sweaty skin. 

"Emma, I got her." Alex said. Emma stood up, still in a daze. She went to take a step, falling. "Em-"

"Go get her." She cried, listening to Ellie wail in her crib. Alex sighed, walking over the crip and picking up the baby.

"Daddy's here. It's okay." He cooed. 

Emma laid on the foor, staring at the wall. A tear falling off of her nose. 

Ellie's crying subsided. Now it was the occastional sniffle from Emma as she laid on the floor. 

She listened as Alex kissed the baby's head, laying her back in the crib.

"Come on, Em."

"Leave me alone." She mumbled.

"No." He lifted her up, laying her back down into bed. 


Emma sat in the tub, the shower running over her. 

The bathroom door opened, Alex setting the baby monitor down on the sink. 

"She's down." Alex began to slip his pants off. 

He grabbed her shoulders, pulling her up so he could sit behind her. 

Alex squirt some of her shampoo in her hand and began to wash her hair. 

He got her shower routine down. 

Face, shampoo, rinse, shampoo, rinse, conditner, body, rinse. 

When he was done, he would dry her off and get her dressed. 

"I-I know this isn't what we need to talk about but, we need to go to Hopkins. Robbins is pissed at me basically telling me it should have been me since she already had a life established and our baby was probably-" Alex took a deep breath. "Once you are cleared, I gotta get out of here." 

Emma rolled over away from him, clutching the blanket to her chest.


Emma pounded on the door down the hall from hers.

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