Take The Lead

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Alex and Emma grabbed their coffee from the coffee cart outside the hospital. 

"I can't believe I get to do my first solo surgery. And it's a hip replacement, I can do that in my sleep." The blonde took a sip of her drink. "I just wish they would post which OR I'm in." 

"Hey, maybe Mer and Yang know. Hey, is it up yet?" Alex asked thim.

"Not yet." They both answered. 

"Have you heard about Zola?" Emma asked.

"I haven't heard anything." Meredith answered. 

"And she's clipping her first aneurysm. Are you sure you don't want to start with something simpiler?" 

"Yeah, like juggling chain saws?" Alex asked, grabbing Emma's hand who was falling behind. 

"Thanks, that's helping." 

"Oh, hey! Is it up yet?" Emma asked as April and Jackson came into view.

"It's going up now." 

"Hey have you-"

"Haven't heard anything." Meredith cut Jackson off. 

"How are you even here?" April asked.

"Well, there's nothing I can do, and I have to do something. So I might as well do this." 

"It's up!" Emma dropped Alex's hand and pushed her way to the front. 

"Damn, four? Really." Emma poutned.

"Ha! Yes OR three! I love OR three." 

"Wait-why do you have a bowel resection?" Emma asked her boyfriend.

"Yeah? I thought you had a peds case?" April added. 

"I switched last minute."

"You can't just switch." April gasped.

"Huh, plastics. I thought you were the Gunther?" Cristina asked Jackson. "Wasting all your capital on boob jobs, huh?"

"It's a cleft lip. I'm saving a kids life today."

"Look at Kepner, she's fixing a bum knee. Way to shoot for the stars, kid." 

"Okay, guys." April moved to stand in front of them. "Uh, you also start teaching skills labs today. I made up a schedule for the month. It's up on the board in my office."

"Your what?" Emma grabbed her arm. "Show me now." 

April huffed, turning to leave. The other reisdents followed down a few floors and to the room. 

"When did we get this?" Cristina asked. Emma instantly grabbed the blanket that was folded over the chair, wrapping it around her shoulders. 

"We don't, it's for the chief resident, actually." April said. 

"This is good. I can sleep on this." Alex laid on the couch. Emma laughed, throwing the blanket on him. She moved his feet, sitting on the other end of the couch.

"Yeah, I got tha ton craigslist. It-It's mine." 

"We got a fridge?" Meredith smiled. Jackson turned to look, knocking a plant off of April's desk.

"Okay. These are this month's intern skills labs." Emma watched as Meredith hit Alex to get him to sit up. "Each of you has been given one skills lab to teach." Emma moved closer to Alex, Jackson sitting on the other side of her.

"No, I can't teach today. I'm on a mitral valve." 

"Okay, well, then just switch with one of these guys." Each of them listed their surgeries when the two glanced him. "Guys, come in I-I divided these up fairly." 

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