Adrift And At Peace

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Alex and April were helping Emma unpack the rest of her stuff. The boxes were taking up space. She had a couch on the way, but nowhere to put it.

"Um, Em? Where do you want these?" Emma turned from her kitchen, looking at the box of framed phots.

"Oh, bring that in here. I have a few I would like out." April brought the small box to the counter. Emma looked through the photos. Most of the them were of her and Charles. Some going back all the way to med school. She picked the ones out of her, Reed, and April.

"Oh my gosh, no." April laughed. She grabbed the picture of the three girls dressed as the Powerpuff Girls one Halloweed. "I am a cute Blossom." 

"I miss my long hair." Emma said, looking at her pigtails that went down to her breasts. "Wait, never mind. Remember when it got stuck in the elevator at Mercy West? I had to yank it out and then had to get six inches off." 

"Reed was perfect Buttercup."

Jackson was professor and Charles was Mojo Jojo. She pulled out a photo of the five as well. 

"You guys dressed up at Mercy West?" Alex asked, taking a sip of his water bottle.

"Every year. And we won most of the costume contests. This was one of those wins." Emma said, handing him the frame. 

"Remember when we were the Scooby-Doo gang?" April asked. Emma pulled out that group photo next.

"Always." She smiled wide. "I was Scooby!" 

There was a knock on the door and Emma looked up confused.

"I got it!" April rushed to the door. Emma looked at Alex who shrugged. She looked back down and continued to look through the frames. 

"I think this is it. Can you put the rest of these on the top shelf in that closet?" Emma handed Alex the box. He took it walked walked over to the closet she nodded to.

"Hey." Emma turned and saw Jackson. He had a small bag in his hand. 

"Hi. April invite you?" Emma asked, grabbing the command hooks.

"Uh, yeah. I told her I wanted to come apologize." He sat the bag down, glancing at the photos she picked the hang up. "I'm sorry, Em. I am really, really, sorry."

"You hurt me, Jackson. Not just with the comments you decided to make but you literally broke my nose."  Jackson cringed at her words.

"I-I know. I could give you all the excuses but there isn't any." Emma looked at him, as he played with his hands.

"You're right. And it might take me a minute to really come around. But appreciate this." Emma pulled the bag towards her. "I also love presents."

"I know." Jackson said. Emma took the tissue paper out and saw a glasses set with flowers and vines. "I know you don't have any dishes." 

"I love them, thank you." She smiled. 

"I-Did you need anymore help?"

"Uh." She looked around. April was sitting on the floor while Alex was laying on her bed. "We're just waiting for the couch and coffee table to get here."

"Em, can we like order a pizza or something?" April asked.

"I second that." Alex said.

"Sure." Emma walked over to her purse. "Here." She handed her some cash.

"Don't be ridiculos-"

"You guys have been helping me all day, I can buy pizzas." Emma told them. "You guys just have to call an order it. I like sausage-"

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