Shock To The System

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"Alright, you're all set." Emma said at the patient as she sat the needle of the flu vaccine down.

"Thank you, doctor. This free clinic is my saving grace." The elderly woman said. Emma smiled her, giving her a nod.

"Have a wonderful day ma'am." She told her, throwing her gloves away. 

Emma walked back over to the nurse's station and sat down to fill out the clipboard about the paitent.

"Harlow!" Callie rushed into the clinic. "I know last week you said you just wanted to work in the clinic for a while unless necessary, but I need you. It's necessary."

"Why? What's up?" She asked.

"Lighting strike took out an entire flag football team." Emma gawked at her. "I already have Gilbert ready to cover the clinic for you if you are okay with it."

"Sure." Emma nodded standing up. Callie beamed and slapped the counter.

"That's my mini-me! Gilbert!" 

The two rushed into the ER.

"Everyone is filled in, stick with me." Emma nodded. Upon waling into trauma room one, Emma saw a woman laying in the bed. "Alright Kerry, this is Dr. Harlow she is going to be joining us. Can you wiggle your toes for me?"

"I still can't. Am I gonna be in a wheelchair?"

"We're gonna take you in for a CT, but hopefully, it is just temporary from the lightning strike. Harlow, can you order that CT?" 

"Right away." Emma nodded, leaving the room to get Kerry in the queue. When she got back, she noticed that Callie was gone. "Where did Dr. Torres go?" She asked Lexie.

"Um, I'm not sure." Emma nodded.

"Alright, well the wait at CT is short so I'll just take you up if Dr. Sloan is okay with that?" Mark nodded at the young doctor.

"Have you ever been in love?" Kerry asked her.

"Uh, yeah. I have." Emma said.

"How did you know you loved him? Like I don't feel this because we nearly died, right?"

"No. You have guys gawking at you left and right down there, if that was the case you would love all of them not be able to pick one." 

"I'm back! Mark told me you were heading up that was quicker than I thought." Callie said.

"How did you know, Dr. Harlow?"

"How did she know what?"

"That she was in love." Callie looked at the girl who gave her a tight smile.

"Um, well I don't know how long you have known him but I knew mine for almost my entire medical career. Um, he just got me and I never had to hide my feelings around him."

"He sounds great." Kerry smiled. "Does he work here?" Callie opened her mouth.

"He used to." Emma said, swallowing loudly. "Here we are." Emma said.

"I got her." Callie said taking her in to get the CT.

This was not how she imagined her first day back in the ER. 


"CT looks clear, no damage to your spine." Callie told Kerry as they got the scans.

"Which means I can go?" Lexie asked.

"It means you should observe her." Mark said. 

The group of arguing men stumbled into the room, talking over each other. Alex and Meredith followed.

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