When Worlds Collide

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"You know, orange is not my color." Emma said as she and Charles walked into Seattle Grace on their first day. The two have an apartment together. They were the closests of the group. They went to med school together and were over the moon when they got into the same program. They have tried dating many times, but it never lasts.

"Quit complaining. It's only temporary." The taller doctor said. "Avery!" The two smiled as they found Jackson Avery by the elevator.

"Hey! Orange is not your color Em." He told them as the three got into an almost empty elevator.

"Shut up, I didn't have a choice. You know, I already hated this and then they told us we had to wear orange scrubs since the blue ones are on back order and it made it worse."

"Have either of you seen April and Reed?" Jackson asked.

"I'm sure Reed looks good in orange." Charles said.

"You need to get over that, she calls you Charlie." Emma cringed. The elevator opened the the three walked out being greeted by Reed and April. "Thank god! I need my girls." Emma said wrapping an arm around each of them.

"I told you not to live with Charlie." Reed said. 

"Got a spare room?" She asked as they walked into the Seattle Grace residents lounge. The three girls laughed as they walked to the three empty cubbies next to each other and sat their bags down.

"Oh hey, you can't put that in there." A blonde with really short hair told Reed.

"Oh, they told us to grab a cubby." Reed replied as Emma hung a picture of the five of them on their last day at Mercy West up in hers.

"Yeah, I know. It's just, we keep it empty for a reason. Can you just take your stuff out? There's other empty ones you can use."

"I don't think so." 

"I said take it out." The blonde said in a more snappy tone.

"Great, I got the crazy one next to me." Reed told her friends. April laughed whereas Emma didn't find it as funny.

"Oh, you want to fight? 'Cause I will. I will fight you. You're pretty tiny I could take you down in a couple of seconds."

"Izzie. Iz come on!" A male doctor came up and dragged her out of the room. 

"Wow. What a welcome!" Emma said. "Reed that's gotta be a new record for pissing someone of."

"We keep that one empty because our friend died a couple months ago." Another doctor in blue scrubs said. "At least try and be respectful, you're new here stop acting like you own it." 

"Look, we are sorry about your friend but as you said, we are new so how are we supposed to know that? She could have just told us instead of going all psycho." Emma said as she put her white coat on. "Let's go guys." 


"Where is Charles?" Emma asked as the other four walked into a crazy OR.

"Missing out, that's where." Avery smiled.

"Where do you want us?" 

"Uh, at this point, anywhere is good." The attending replied.

"At Mercy West, we do zones." Jackson said as he led the way over. 

"Yeah, when it's super busy like this we just give everyone a space. The nurses put a person in that space, you know it's your patient helps you get to them quicker." Emma added on.

"Yeah, well, this is the ER not a school yard. We're not play four square." The other blue scrubs laughed at their ring leader.

"I like it." The attending said. Emma smiled. 

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