Sympathy For The Parents

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"Charles, we are getting married in literally two months. Two. Months. We need to pick a first dance song. I have picked everything for this wedding and I want you to pick." Emma said as the two ate lunch in the resident's lounge. It was just to two of them and 

"What about that one song from the one girl you like?" 

"Very specific." Emma laughed as she took a bite of her turkey sandwich Charles' made this morning. 

"It's a love story baby just say yes." Charles sang off key. Emma choked on her sandwhich as she busted out laughing. 

"I do love Taylor Swift, but no."

"See, this is why I want you to pick. So you don't say no." She smiled at him as he went to put his lunchbox in his cubby. "Oo! What about that Alicia Keys song?" 

"Specify babe."

"Some people want it all!" Charles began to sing as he pulled Emma up from her seat. She started laughing again. He began to sway to his off key singing. "But everything means nothing! If I ain't got you! Yeahhh!" 

Emma smiled as she stood on her toes to kiss his lips. 

"I really hope he is not singing at the wedding." The couple turned and saw April smiling at the two.

"I thought it was good." Charles shrugged.

"Stick to surgery." Emma told him, patting his chest. "What's up April?"

"We're with Dr. Webber today. I was just coming to get you to go meet the paitent."

"Sweet! I will see you later and pick a song!" She told her fiance.

"He's picking the first dance song?" April asked as they began to walk down the hall. 

"I have been making the final decisions on everything and it's not just my wedding it is our wedding and I want him to have a say in something." 

"I love you guys."

"You better not start crying April." Emma joked.

"I'm sorry, I love love." Emma smiled.

"Mr. and Mrs. Clark?" April asked walking into the room. "Hi. I'm Dr. Kepner and this is Dr. Harlow and we ill be shadowing Dr. Webber today."

"Nice to meet you guys." Emma smiled. "So what's going on Mrs. Clark? I haven't been filled in." 

"We were at the grocery store a couple of days ago and next thing I know I'm flat on my back in the frozen foods section." Mrs. Clark said.

"She fainted." Her husband said.

"And I've never fainted. I never seen anybody faint. I don't believe in fainting."

"Did you hit your head?" Dr. Webber asked.

"I would have if this one hadn't caught me." Emma smiled at the couple. 

"Mrs. Clark is anemic and guaiac positive." April said. 

"There's definitely some internal bleeding, looks like it's coming from a friable tumor near the ampulla of vater." Emma said pointing at the screen Dr. Webber was looking at.

"Whew! Look at that ring Gary! Can I see?" Emma walked over to Mrs. Clark showing the ring. "Who is the lucky guy?" Richard and April continuted to talk amongst themselves.

"He is also a surgical resident here." Emma smiled.

"Remember when were their age and getting married sweetheart?" Mrs. Clark asked.

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