Walking On A Dream

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Emma rolled over in bed, reaching her hand out only to hit the empty bed next to her. She opened her eyes, squinting slightly at the light.

Alex was gone. She rolled back over, sitting up while clutching the sheets to her bare chest.

"Since when do you not hear her crying?" Alex walked into the room, feeding Ellie.

"I was thinking the same thing." She chuckled. She watched with a smile as he patted the baby as she gripped the bottle herself. "Can we just call in?" 

"Hunt as some sort of announcement." Alex looked up at her.

Emma looked at the discarded clothing around her, reaching for Alex's shirt that was on the floor. She pulled it over her head, dropping the sheet. He walked over to her side of the bed, sitting down by her. 

"Screw the annoucement. We can all go to the park, have a little picnic." She sang as she listed the plan, resting her cheek on Alex's shoulder as she looked down at their baby. "She's getting so big." 

Alex chuckled, taking the not empty bottle and handing it to the blonde next to him.

"I'm gonna go get her dressed, we have to get to work." She huffed, watching as he left the room. 

Emma sat the bottole on her nightstand, before grabbing her crutches and going to the shower.


"Hey, you're Hunt's protege, do you know what this is all about?" Emma asked April, leaning on the counter next to her best friend.

"No clue." April shook her head. Emma pursed her lips, looking at the fellow doctors around her.

"All right, let's just start." Owen said, walking to the steps on the fourth floor. "As many of you know, Seattle Grace Mercy West has suffered a finacial setback. The administration is working hard to keep the impact of that setback as small as possible. To that end, we're gonna have to initiate some cost-cutting measures. The board has hired a physician advisor to help."

"What's a physician advisor?" Meredith asked.

"Well, she consults on maximizing efficiency, streamlining processes, assessing where we can trim our budgets."

"Who to fire and when to fire them?" Emma furrowed her eyebrows at Miranda's comment.

"She's here to advise and to help. I was hoping to introduce her in person, but she seems to be late."  

"Oh, on her first day? Not very efficient." Cristina commented. The doctors around her chuckled.

"You can expect to see her in the halls, in your labs, in the OR."

"She'll probably get more OR hours than me." Emma sighed, the doctors chuckled again.

"So we're gonna have an accountant following us around in the ORs?" Derek asked. 

"She's not an accountant. She is a trained surgeon. Frankly, she is here to try to help us. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Hey, incoming trauma needs ortho. Can you take it?" Callie asked the blonde.

"Yes, yes! Of course!" She smiled.

Emma and April walked to the ER.

"This better be a surgery. I need a surgery. If I don't get a surgery, I think I'm gonna be fired." 

"You are not gonna get fired." April chuckled, grabbing two yellow trauma gowns and handing one off to Emma.

"I haven't been inside the OR in months, April. Almost a year actually. I would be the first to go." 

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