Persephone Adelaide Davenport-Cavendish-Gray

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Full Name (Insert the character's full name. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.): Persephone Adelaide Davenport-Cavendish-Gray

Nickname (What names do their friends call them? What does their family call them? Pet names? Terms of endearment? Shortened versions of their real name?): Mrs. Gray, Flower, My Heart, Beloved, Lover, Sweetheart, Baby, Darling, Dear, Dearest, Honey, Love, Precious, Treasure, Sugarplum (by her husband).

• Core, Cora, Addy or Ad (by her friends).

• Persephone Adelaide Davenport-Cavendish (Maiden name).

Age (Insert their age): 28 (Physical Appearance). 1000+ (Actually).

Gender (E.G. Male, Female, Non Binary): Female

Date of Birth (Insert when they were born): May 13th 1872

Sexual Preference (E.G. Asexual, Bisexual, Pansexual etc.): Heterosexual

Species (E.G. Human. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Archangel

Occupation (E.G. Doctor, Actress/Actor, Singer etc. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Actress (Formerly; 1896–1955).

Personality (Describe the character's personality with as much detail as you can. Don't just list off words; go in depth with who your character is.): Raised in a rich household, it's not fully Persephone's fault she embraces the lifestyle she was born into. She won't hesitate to contest anyone who believes differently, thriving off the fear and intimidation she traffics in from her fellow classmates. Because she was raised in such a rich household, people may think of her as snobby and arrogant. As such, at times, Persephone is not as horrid as she would like people to believe. She is naturally gifted in academics and has high goals for her academic career. Despite, having a stellar academic performance and GPA at school, Persephone still keeps pushing and tries to get extra credit when possible. Like her husband, she also has a darker sider. She has been known to go to great lengths in order to achieve her goals, though she manages to hide this behind an innocent enough smile.

Phobias/Fears (What are they afraid of the most? Does the character have to take any medication to help with this phobia?): N/A

Powers (Does the Character Have Any? Please do not make your character overpowered.): • Weather Manipulation: She can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, i.e. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog, and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas.

• Weather Sensing: She has the ability to sense what kind of weather will be coming.

• Lightning Summoning: She can call forth lightning from the sky that could be used to blind, stun, and/or severely burn her opponents even to the point of death they can range, from minor to fatal voltage.

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