Joanna Mary Winchester

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Full Name (Insert the character's full name. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.): Joanna Mary Winchester

Nickname (What names do their friends call them? What does their family call them? Pet names? Terms of endearment? Shortened versions of their real name?): Joanna or Mary (by her friends during high school).

• Jo (shortened version of her name).

• Princess, Beautiful, Angel (by Dean).

• Sweetheart, Kid, Kiddo (by her mother).

Age (Insert their age): 19

Gender (E.G. Male, Female, Non Binary): Female

Date of Birth (Insert when they were born): October 1st 1997

Sexual Preference (E.G. Asexual, Bisexual, Pansexual etc.): Bisexual

Species (E.G. Human. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Warlock

Occupation (E.G. Doctor, Actress/Actor, Singer etc. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Hunter

Personality (Describe the character's personality with as much detail as you can. Don't just list off words; go in depth with who your character is.): Joanna is headstrong, stubborn, and fiery. She is also intelligent and creative. She loves and cares deeply about her mother and her friends and is loyal to them above all others.

Phobias/Fears (What are they afraid of the most? Does the character have to take any medication to help with this phobia?): Joanna fears being worthless and therefore she wants to be worthwhile and valuable. She craves attention and are eager to impress. Desperate to distinguish herself, she strive for admiration and acclaim. She fears failure and humiliation. She also fears being without support; she craves a sense of security, and she fears losing guidance. She often finds support and guidance within an organization. She seeks the approval of others.

Powers (Does the Character Have Any? Please do not make your character overpowered.): • Flight: Jo can fly using her telekinesis by project herself through the air. She is able to simulate self-propelled flight at considerable speeds. She is able to use this power to move through the air and simulate flight, in order to hover and safely float back to the ground. The use of this power manifests as a blast of psionic energy expelled from her hands onto the ground to propel herself up in the air, with a second blast used to slow her momentum as she approaches ground allowing her to land safely.

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