Laika Rhea Renner

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Full Name (Insert the character's full name. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.): Laika Rhea Renner

Nickname (What names do their friends call them? What does their family call them? Pet names? Terms of endearment? Shortened versions of their real name?): Lai (by her friends).

Age (Insert their age): 35

Gender (E.G. Male, Female, Non Binary): Female

Date of Birth (Insert when they were born): Unknown

Sexual Preference (E.G. Asexual, Bisexual, Pansexual etc.): Asexual (Would like to be in a relationship)

Species (E.G. Human. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Human

Occupation (E.G. Doctor, Actress/Actor, Singer etc. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): X-Wing Pilot and Tinker

Personality (Describe the character's personality with as much detail as you can. Don't just list off words; go in depth with who your character is.): Many find Laika to be rather rude, but rather she's more sassy and only wishes for jokes and laughter to be made out of it. It isn't her intention to hurt anyone's feelings in the process, but sometimes, this is what occurs. She only shows her happy, friendly side when one truly tries to get to know her. Otheriwse, you'll see her more serious business side. She's quick on her feet and easily will become leader if the situation needs her to. She loves the idea of pure adventure and thrills and craves them almost all the time, but finds herself stuck due to her certain abilities and skills. Due to the fact she hides her powers she cannot be put out on the field for battles, as she feels it will protect all. She is very loyal to those she trusts and even to those who may not know her at all. Her heart is very kind even through her serious outlook towards those she doesn't know. She'd give up her life for people to be free even if she had never seen their face before.

Phobias/Fears (What are they afraid of the most? Does the character have to take any medication to help with this phobia?): N/A

Abilities (Does the Character Have Any? Please do not make your character overpowered.): She is a highly trained bounty hunter. She prefers to do hand to hand combat, only if necessary. She was born with the force and trained with a mysterious jedi figure, but hardly uses her immense force abilties. She never wished to become a jedi or sith and only will ever use the force if her life truly depended in it. She carries a lightsaber but has never wielded it before in her life. She's very skilled in fixing anything. Although she travels a lot, she is not a very skilled pilot.

Looks / Faceclaim (Describe what the character looks like include hair colour, eye colour and skin colour, you may tag or use a celebrity for what your character looks like): Laika is a tall and skinny girl; her nutrition isn't kept well as she lives off meals given to her at the beginnings of the weak, that was before she joined the rebels. She has short blonde hair. Her eyes are very bright green and are found to be very curious and kind. Although she is tall, standing at almost 5'10", everything about her is very small. Small feet, wrists, ears, just everything. Her skin is very very copper toned, but is light. Her legs are also very long. She has freckles all over her shoulders and face. She often appears dirty most of the time and worn out. [FaceClaim: Mackenzie Davis]

Build (What type of body does the character have? E.G. Athletic): Athletic

Height (How tall is your character?): 5ft 10

Scars (Does the character have any? Describe where they are located and how they got them): N/A

Tattoos (Does the character have any? Describe where they are located and what they look like): N/A

Father (Who is their father? Are they dead, alive, etc.): Unnamed Father — Unknown.

Mother (Who is their mother? Are they dead, alive, etc.): Unnamed Mother — Deceased.

Siblings (Who are their brothers and sisters? Are they dead, alive, etc.): Tai (Older Brother) — Alive.

Other Relationships (Has the character been in any other relationships?): N/A

Crush: Poe Dameron

Relationship with Crush (Friends, Lovers, Enemies etc

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Relationship with Crush (Friends, Lovers, Enemies etc.): Friends to Lovers

Back Up Crush: Ben Solo / Kylo Ren

Relationship with Back Up Crush (Friends, Lovers, Enemies etc

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Relationship with Back Up Crush (Friends, Lovers, Enemies etc.): Enemies to Lovers

Any Other Information: N/A

Smut (Yes, No, Possibly. If Yes, you must confirm that you are 18+): Possibly, if the scenario calls for it.


Cannon Character x Oc RolePlay Scenarios:

1. Muse A has offended Muse B in some way but doesn't realize it.

2. Muse A confronting Muse B about something bad they have done.

3. Make it up

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