Jordana Abigail Bishop

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Full Name (Insert the character's full name. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.): Jordana Abigail Bishop

Nickname (What names do their friends call them? What does their family call them? Pet names? Terms of endearment? Shortened versions of their real name?): My Darling, Dear, Love, Sweetheart, Doll, Baby (All by her crush).

• Abby, Abbie, Ab, Abster, Gail (By her friends).

Age (Insert their age): 18+

Gender (E.G. Male, Female, Non Binary): Female

Date of Birth (Insert when they were born): January 30th 1988

Sexual Preference (E.G. Asexual, Bisexual, Pansexual etc.): Bisexual

Species (E.G. Human. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Warlock

Occupation (E.G. Doctor, Actress/Actor, Singer etc. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): High School Student

Personality (Describe the character's personality with as much detail as you can. Don't just list off words; go in depth with who your character is.): Jordana has strong hunches about things and people. She fully believes something unless it's proven to her that she is incorrect, in which case she will revise her approach. She is extremely intelligent and knows what she must do in order to accomplish her goals. It's not right that the popular kids pick on everyone else, and they need to be taught a lesson and pay for their crimes. However, Jordana takes her punishments to the extreme. She wants justice for those who have been wronged. Her values and sense of right and wrong are entirely internally based, and she genuinely believes what she is doing is justified.

Everything Jordana does is in service of her ultimate vision. She doesn't spend any time living in the moment because she's always thinking about what she's going to do next. For Jordana, everything needs to have a deeper significance and she assigns meaning to everything. Many of her actions stem from a desire to create a sort of symbolic resonance and rarely takes things for what they appear to be on the surface. At times, Jordana can become impulsive, violent, and physical.

Phobias/Fears (What are they afraid of the most? Does the character have to take any medication to help with this phobia?): Lilapsophobia (the fear of tornadoes and hurricanes). She doesn't take any thing for her phobia.

Powers (Does the Character Have Any? Please do not make your character overpowered.): • Energy Blasts: She can release energy over a target area of their choosing causing great damage and/or delivering great shock waves of pure force. She can also create projectiles of powerful, telekinetic energy that could shatter the ground and knock people down or high into the air.

• Advanced Telekinesis: She displayed a unique psionic ability to actually create "tendrils" of telekinetic energy from her hands that could latch on and drag her enemies across the ground. She could use her fingers to create a powerful bash of energy to knock her enemies back to the ground, levitate them high into the air and toss with great speed and concussive force.

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