Bianca Eloise Bianchi

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Full Name (Insert the character's full name. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.): Bianca Eloise Bianchi

Nickname (What names do their friends call them? What does their family call them? Pet names? Terms of endearment? Shortened versions of their real name?): Bia, Bee, Bibi, Nia, Anya (by her friends).

• Love, Princess, Darling, Babe, Baby, Dear, Baby Girl, Sweetheart, Doll (by Stacee)

Age (Insert their age): 38

Gender (E.G. Male, Female, Non Binary): Female

Date of Birth (Insert when they were born): September 30th 1949

Sexual Preference (E.G. Asexual, Bisexual, Pansexual etc.): Heterosexual

Species (E.G. Human. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Human

Occupation (E.G. Doctor, Actress/Actor, Singer etc. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): • Actress / Adult Film Star Actress (Currently)

Personality (Describe the character's personality with as much detail as you can. Don't just list off words; go in depth with who your character is.): In one, Bianca is a sweet, misunderstood woman who has never been loved, and in the other she's a twisted emotional sadist who amuses herself by toying with the feelings of Stacee. She has a darker sider and has been known to go to great lengths in order to achieve her goals, though she manages to hide this behind an innocent enough smile.

Phobias/Fears (What are they afraid of the most? Does the character have to take any medication to help with this phobia?): Thunder

Powers (Does the Character Have Any? Please do not make your character overpowered.): N/A

Power Weaknesses (If your character has powers, they must have weaknesses): N/A

Abilities (Does the Character Have Any? Please do not make your character overpowered.): • Peak of Human Physical Condition: Having trained her whole life as a warrior, Bianca is in top physical condition, having heightened reflexes, speed, strength, and durability. She is capable of performing incredible physical feats such as holding her breath for long periods, withstanding intense physical pain and torture, jumping from great heights and between buildings, withstanding extended altercations and recovering quickly, climbing up the side of a mountain with no equipment and running at incredible speeds for long periods without tiring. She keeps herself in shape through an intense workout regime as well as hobbies like rock climbing.

• Expert Martial Artist: She is a extremely skilled martial artist. She uses various kicks, holds and flips using techniques inspired by Capoeira, Aikido and Jujutsu techniques, she also utilizes techniques from Keysi. However she mainly utilizes Karate and judo moves, and resorts to combined Capoeira, Ninjutsu, Taekwondo and Karate moves and strategies whenever possible.

• Weapon Mastery: She is highly skilled with a variety of weapons including handguns, rifles and knives. She is also very skilled at using whatever is available to her as a weapon and using her environment to her advantage in combat.

• Expert Marksman: Bianca is incredibly skilled in the use of firearms. She is able to use a variety of weapons.

• High-level Intellect: She is incredibly intelligent, creative and a methodical woman. She is very skilled in espionage, infiltration, counter intelligence and is skilled at adjusting her plans to account for changes as well as knowing how to plan well in advance and improvising new plans when necessary. She also has an excellent memory and can remember messages and details of missions easily.

• Master Tactician: She is a highly trained tactician who is skilled at coming up with and executing plans for a variety of missions and is very good at understanding her opponents and using their flaws and plans against them. One of her favorite measures is to let those she is targeting think they have her beaten and enact counter measures that she was relying on for her own plans to succeed.

• Expert Driver: She is a very skilled driver who is able to use both cars and motorcycles.

• Multilingualism: In addition to English, she is also fluent in multiple languages without accent like Spanish, Russian, German and French. She is skilled enough to fool even native speakers.

• Lip Reading: Bianca is able to read lips.

• Acrobatics/Free Running: Bianca is very agile, able to perform multiple acrobatic movements in her fighting style.

Looks / Faceclaim (Describe what the character looks like include hair colour, eye colour and skin colour, you may tag or use a celebrity for what your character looks like): Bianca has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her hair length varies between short and shoulder length. [FaceClaim: Cameron Diaz]

Build (What type of body does the character have? E.G. Athletic): Athletic

Height (How tall is your character?): 5'9

Scars (Does the character have any? Describe where they are located and how they got them): N/A

Tattoos (Does the character have any? Describe where they are located and what they look like): N/A

Father (Who is their father? Are they dead, alive, etc.): Thomas Edward Bianchi - Deceased

Mother (Who is their mother? Are they dead, alive, etc.): Clare Tawny Bianchi (Née Accardi) - Deceased

Siblings (Who are their brothers and sisters? Are they dead, alive, etc.): N/A

Other Relationships (Has the character been in any other relationships?): N/A

Crush: Stacee Jaxx

Relationship with Crush (Friends, Lovers, Enemies etc

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Relationship with Crush (Friends, Lovers, Enemies etc.): Long distance relationship. Age gap relationship.

Backup Crush: Your OC

Relationship with Backup Crush (Friends, Lovers, Enemies etc.): Friends

Any Other Information: N/A

Smut (Yes, No, Possibly. If Yes, you must confirm that you are 18+): Possibly


Cannon Character x Oc RolePlay Scenarios:

1. Muse A wearing Muse B's clothes. Their clothes are too big for them though, but Muse B insists seeing Muse A wear that for the rest of the day because they thought they looked cute.

2. Muse A and Muse B have to pretend to be dating, even though they don't know each/hate each other. They eventually catch feelings for one another. One day, they are on a date/just on a walk when they are ambushed by paparazzi. Muse A immediately becomes protective of Muse B, shielding them from the cameras.

3. Make it up

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