Ava Norma Jordan

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Full Name (Insert the character's full name. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.): Ava Norma Jordan

Nickname (What names do their friends call them? What does their family call them? Pet names? Terms of endearment? Shortened versions of their real name?): Letty (as a joke by Barry Allen).

• Hawkgirl (Alias).

• Doll, Baby, Babe, Sweetheart, Princess, Love, Angel (by her Crush).

Age (Insert their age): 1000+ (Chronologically). 28 (Physically).

Gender (E.G. Male, Female, Non Binary): Female

Date of Birth (Insert when they were born): Unknown

Sexual Preference (E.G. Asexual, Bisexual, Pansexual etc.): Bisexual

Species (E.G. Human. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Human (Angel)

Occupation (E.G. Doctor, Actress/Actor, Singer etc. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Member of the Justice League

Personality (Describe the character's personality with as much detail as you can. Don't just list off words; go in depth with who your character is.): Ava is a strong, determined, impulsive, competitive and naïve celestial being. She expresses little to no emotion, which creates flaws and complexities in her persona. Her lack of emotion and understanding of human behavior such as sarcasm has led to several humorous situations, and has occasionally gotten her into trouble with humans. She is a rather complicated being, having many sides of her personality. However, Ava could be wrathful, particularly with anyone who interferes with her friends and family.

Phobias/Fears (What are they afraid of the most? Does the character have to take any medication to help with this phobia?): N/A

Powers (Does the Character Have Any? Please do not make your character overpowered.): • Lower Tier Nigh-Omnipotence: She has a tremendously vast supply of supernatural power but not as much as Michael or her older siblings. However, other angels, even some of the most powerful angels still fear her capabilities and powers.

• Angelic Possession: She requires a vessel to act on Earth, and she must have the vessel's permission.

• Chronokinesis: She has advanced chronokinetic powers, being able to easily travel back in time to the past and back as well as return to the present with just a single finger tap.

• Healing: She could easily heal others of any injury, wound and disease.

• Holy White Light: She can easily generate an overwhelming white light that was capable of obliterating other beings while leaving others she chose unaffected, as by simply flashing her eyes.

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