Eira Natalie Winters

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Full Name (Insert the character's full name. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.): Eira Natalie Winters

Nickname (What names do their friends call them? What does their family call them? Pet names? Terms of endearment? Shortened versions of their real name?): Winter Soldier (by Henry).

• Doll, Princess, Darling, Dear, Baby, Babe, Toots, Doll Face, Sweetheart, Darling, Sugar, Buttercup, Angel (By her Crush).

Fairytale Name: The Winter Witch / Princess

Age (Insert their age): 1000+ (Chronologically). 38 (Physical Age)

Gender (E.G. Male, Female, Non Binary): Female

Date of Birth (Insert when they were born): December 25th

Sexual Preference (E.G. Asexual, Bisexual, Pansexual etc.): Asexual (Wants a relationship)

Species (E.G. Human. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Human (Witch)

Occupation (E.G. Doctor, Actress/Actor, Singer etc. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Assassin (In the Enchanted Forest).

• Princess (In the Enchanted Forest).

Personality (Describe the character's personality with as much detail as you can. Don't just list off words; go in depth with who your character is.): Eira believes that once you give your word, you follow through no matter what. She believes that it is the responsibility of the strong to protect those that cannot protect themselves, and that failing to act against evil is just as wrong as perpetrating the evil itself. She believes that most people, when truly pushed to the limit, will do the right thing rather than the easy thing. She believes in second chances, and that if you want to be trusted and respected, you need to offer the same to those around you. She believes that one man in the right place at the right time can make all the difference in the world. She believes that good will overcome evil, though she knows that sometimes good people have to work hard and sacrifice to make it so. She believes in common courtesy and in the love and support of family and friends. She believes that love is a precious thing that shouldn't be entered into lightly. But above all, Eira believes that no matter how bleak things appear, and no matter what tragedy may befall her or those around her, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. These are the things that Eira believes, and she spends every day of her life doing all that she can to insure that they remain true. At times, she can stick out like a sore thumb in social situations and items of everyday technology for normal folks are almost completely baffling to her (though she's smart enough to learn relatively quickly at least). She often feels out of place and out of touch, and with good reason. She also suffers from fairly frequent flashbacks to her past life, particularly in dreams. In truth she basically has a mild case of post-traumatic stress. It doesn't affect her -too- much but it can be a distraction at times.

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