Chapter 12

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Chapter song: Saturn, by SZA

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Chapter song: Saturn, by SZA

"None of this is worth it"

I slipped out the note Asher had given me out of my pocket and into my hand. I slowly opened it and read what it said.

"You need to act like we are dating. Your acting like you don't know me at all. Step up your game also I got your number out of Lavy's phone in case of an emergency or something"

I rolled my eyes after reading it. Stupid idiot. I hate this whole dating thing.

Fake dating. Or unless you want it to be actual dating.

Shut up you know what I mean also go take a nap or something.

Anyways my phone lighted up with a message. A text from Lavender.

Lav 💋

Lav 💋:
I'm bored as fuck.

Samee! Wanna do smt?

Lav 💋:

Lmao okay, are u at home?

Lav 💋:
No I actually just left my house for a walk my parents are out on a date for some reason and Asher isn't home bcz of training I'll come to ur house k?

Okay see you here! Byeeee

Lav 💋:
Byeeee xx

I smiled at the texts. She's a great person. With a demon twin. That's why I call them the angel and devil twins. I'm sure the whole universe agrees with me.

I'm about 10 minutes the doorbell rang. I rushed to open it to see Lavender standing there with a smile on her face.

My parents are at a business trip for a week and took my sister with them since she insisted to go with mom.

"You won't believe what the fuck I just saw" Lavender slightly smirked. "Well would you like to tell me about it?" I lightly laughed while she got inside the house and I closed the door behind her.

"You know Ajax right?" She asked me and I nodded as we walked up the stairs and into my bedroom.

"Well I just walked into him hooking up with Eliza, Kayle's best friend" she sat on my bed and I sat next to her.

"Wait. Kayle? Ajax's girlfriend?" I curiously asked and Lavender nodded. "So this might sound weird but I recorded them hooking up so should I show it to Kayle?" Lavender asked.

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