Chapter 8

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Chapter song: Swim, by Chase Atlantic

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Chapter song: Swim, by Chase Atlantic

"You picked a dance with the devil and you lucked out"

I stood there frozen at my spot as I watched Asher holding a fucking gun. He just shot someone...

"Why do you have a gun" i whispered. His face still remained emotionless like he didn't literally just shoot some guy.

"Oh my gosh! Are you in a mafia? I've only read about that! Oh my fuck! Does that mean Lavender is also in the mafia-" I was just about to stop panicking but Asher took a step towards me.

"Shut up. Yes I'm in the mafia. Lavender and I are the Italian mafia don's kids and our mom was also grown up in the mafia" what the actual fucking fuck!

"Was he bothering you" he asked and it took me a second to realise who he was talking about.

"Oh yeah... I don't know who he is though but why do you even care" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"As much as I hate you I would never let anyone disrespect or threaten a fucking women" he coldly answered before putting his gun in his pocket. What The fuck...

Just as I was about to say something my phone dinged. And of course it was a message from Liam.

"Who's that" Asher grabbed my phone out of my hand and read the message Liam sent.

"Who's this?" He said while reading the other messages he sent me. "My Ex, Liam" I whispered and grabbed my phone back.

"Why is he sending you threatening messages?" Asher questioned with a confused expression.

"Well I walked into him cheating on me and now he's telling me that if I don't get back together with him he will make my life miserable. Now if you will excuse me I have a party to attend" I gave him a tight lipped smile and turned around to leave.

I was walking away but Asher caught up with me but he didn't say anything... he just stayed silent and walked with me.

"I need help in school I'm failing almost every class and I need a tutor" he suddenly spoke all of a sudden. "And what will I get in return?" I rolled by eyes.

"We can fake date. You know about the whole mafia things now and i will deal with Liam and anyone else that tries to bother you" he started off without any ounce of emotion in his voice.

"But once my grades get back up and Liam leaves you alone the whole fake dating thing is over" as annoying he is he is right... fuck.

"Fine. But once he leaves me alone and ur grades are up it's done" I let out a frustrated sigh.

"That's literally what I said" he rolled his eyes. "Okay but you have to follow 2 rules. The first one is to protect me when I need to be protected and the second one is NOT to fall in love"

"Like I would ever fall inlove with anyone like you" he let out a chuckle. Idiot. I wanna hit him with a frying pan.

No one is stopping you, I suggest you do it!

Oh shut up Consy like I could actually do that.

We walked into Leila's house that was very plain from the inside... it didn't look like a home... it looked like a house. Everything was either white or grey...

"So the fake dating starts now?" I whispered to Asher and he gave me a nod. Well fuck.

I was suddenly pulled into a hug. "I've been waiting for you!" It was Lavender. I could recognise that sweet angelic voice anywhere.

Although it keep bugging me that she's born into the mafia. She literally knows how to kill and torture... when I said I wanted to experience the things I read about... I didn't think it would actually happen.

"Hey Lav" I smiled while she pulled out of the hug. I look to my right and Asher wasn't there anymore. Thank god.

I wonder how Lavender will react when she finds out her best friend is dating her litter twin who are not to mention enemies ever since they can remember.

She will be a bit confused... gosh I have to tell her that it's fake. Fuck what have I got myself into? And who the fuck was that guy Asher shot... did Liam send him?

Am I a target to something? Oh my god! Am I gonna die?!

Your not gonna die! I think

Wow thanks that helps a lot...

"Hey you good?" Lavender's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "Oh yeah, yeah I am" I gave her a reassuring smile and she gave me a small smile.

"Lav I need to tell you something" should I tell her now? I mean Asher said that the fake dating starts now so I guess Nows the good time.

"But you promise you won't tell anyone" Lavender took my hand and dragged me into a empty corner. "I promise now what's up?" She whispers.

"I've been getting threatening messages from Liam telling me that he's gonna make me miserable for breaking up and all that, so when I was coming to the party someone was following me and they put a cloth on my mouth and grabbed my arms so I couldn't move" I started and Lavender was frozen in shock.

"Then Asher came out of no where and shot the guy and asked me what happened and I told him and then he said if I tutor him and help him get his grades up again he will deal with whoever is doing all this and he explained how you guys are the Italian mafia don's kids and now Asher and I have to fake date" I think I broke lavender she's not saying anything...

"Hold on what!" She finally said. "So you guys are fake dating now? For how long" She whispered so no one else will hear.

"Well when Liam and whoever else is after me leaves me alone and Asher gets his grades up" she gave me a small nod.

"Okay well your secret is safe with me" She flashed me a heartwarming smile. "Thanks Lav"

Word count: 1031

This chapter was supposed to be out last night but I didn't have time to write a lot but I did write a bit over half of it last night.

Anyways I hope u liked this chapter! Byee!

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