Chapter 7

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Chapter song: Consume, my Chase Atlantic

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Chapter song: Consume, my Chase Atlantic

"My head is a mess but I'm trying regardless."

I still had one last class. And this one was with Liam... fuck.

The texts he's sending me are getting more and more threatening day by day. His following me and telling I'm gonna regret leaving him.

Well if he wanted me that bad he shouldn't have cheated and used me for money. He wants me to get back together with him because of money.

Whenever we went out for dinner, I was the one to pay. I even payed his rent once! I used to get him expensive gifts because gift giving is my love language.

"Jasmine" the sound of my name snaps me out of my thoughts. I turn around and as expected it's Liam.

Fuck. Oh no there's an empty spot next to me. Please don't sit there. Please don't sit there. Please don't sit-

But of course he sat there.

Jasmine you know that you can punch the living shit out of the guy for stalking and file a report to the police station.

I know! I know... I'm just scared what he might do if I do that.

I can kill him?

Oh shut up Consy, your just a voice in my head.



Anyways as I was saying. I also feel like someone is watching me... and following me. But who?

Or maybe it's just in my head and I'm going crazy.

I really should start sleeping more often. This is not healthy. I only get a few hours of sleep every night. And I blame it all on my Insomnia... fuck I hate it so much.

It's like I want to genuinely sleep but my insomnia doesn't let me! I hate it so fucking much. If only there was something that could help me sleep. I mean there are pills but my stomach is too weak for them so I don't use the pills.

"I'm warning you Jasmine. You should watch out" Liams voice brought me out of my thoughts again. "Oh yeah Liam? Maybe you shouldn't have cheated and used me for money" I glare at him and get us to change seats.

Ain't no way In fucking hell I'm sitting next to my fucking Ex. But what did he mean by that. What is he warning me about... what do I need to watch out?

God my head is a mess but i'm trying my hardest.

"Jasmine?" Miss Landon speaks. "Oh sorry, I didn't hear you" i awkwardly smiled at her. "I said your name 2 times Jasmine, but it's okay" she softly smiled and went back to explaining something about History?

I mean if it's Greek mythology THEN I'm interested but whatever she's talking about is useless information.

Do I really need to know when the pyramids were build? It's not like the day I take over Young industries, I'm gonna get asked when the fucking pyramids were built. It's bullshit information I don't need!

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