Chapter 3

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"Not your very best Asher" Ms Green said disappointedly while handling me my test result

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"Not your very best Asher" Ms Green said disappointedly while handling me my test result. An F. Again.

"Good job Jasmine, keep up the good work" Ms Green proudly said to Jasmine fucking Young. A friend of Lavender but an enemy of mine.

I used to always get better grades then her but somehow I'm failing now, mom and dad aren't mad... but they do tell me to try my best.

And I do! I'm losing my motivation for everything... I can't do almost anything anymore.

The bell rings and I get up from my seat with my bag and leave the classroom.

What if she's cheating? There's no way that Jasmine girl can get such good grades. Or maybe her weird boyfriend helps her or something.

I could not fucking care less. I'm better then her and that's it. Lavender was sick today so she didn't come to school, and as for Eric? I honestly don't know where that boy went.

Maybe to the hospital since his mother is... sick. Or well she's not actually sick... his asshole father beats her up and it got so bad this time that his mom almost died and got sent to the hospital...

Eric's little brother goes through the same shit with his father when he tries to protect his mom, and so does Eric...

I honestly feel so bad for them. It reminds me of my mom and my uncle Enzo, there both parents abused them... good thing my mom killed them.

If they would have still been alive I'm pretty sure Luna, Lavender and me would have tortured the fuck out of them.

We once tortured a few people together because why not? I mean sure we are young and all but we are literally in a mafia. This is what we are gonna do sooner or later.

I snap out of my thoughts as my phone rings, I take it out of my pocket. "Hello" i answer the call. "Hi, could you bring me some ice cream pleaseee" My sister speaks from the other line.

"Are you crazy! You literally have a sore throat. You can barely get a sentence out and speak. Your gonna get more sick if you eat ice cream so no I'm not getting any for you" she can't be fucking serious right now.

"I hate you" I can practically feel her roll her eyes. "I love you too, bye" I end the call before she can argue any more.

I start walking home and hear someone... crying? I walk towards where the sound it coming from. A young girl who looks about 10 years old crying in a alley way.

"Hey" I gently whisper and the girl wipes away her tears. "Is.. everything okay?" I slowly ask her. "No" she cracks out.

"What's your name?" I smile and she looks at me with her big doe brown eyes. "Ruby" she quietly mutters.

"Is everything okay Ruby? You can tell me don't worry" Ruby plays with the rings on her fingers with hesitation.

"My parents were fighting again so I got scared that my father gonna beat my mom up again so I ran away" she whispers. What the actual fuck in wrong with people... why is the world so cruel...

"I'm sorry to hear that... tell me your address I should take you home... your mom must be worried about you" I nods and tells me her address.

"So do you have any siblings?" I ask Ruby as we walk to her house. "Yeah... a big sister" she answers back.

"That's nice, I also have a sister" I smile and Ruby's Doe brown eyes shot up to meet my chocolate brown ones.

"A older or younger one?" She asks with a curious tone. "She's actually my twin, and I'm 15 minutes older" I proudly answer and Ruby lets out a light laugh.

"We're here" i knock on the door of the huge house and Ruby tenses up. The door swings open and before I can look who opens the door a figure runs to Ruby and hugs her as a sob breaks through there mouth.

"Oh my god, I got so worried are you okay?" Wait... I've heard that voice somewhere. I turn around to see and of course. It's the one and only Jasmine Fucking Young.

"Thank you for bringing her back-" Jasmine started off but immediately stops when she realised who it is.

Her piecing black eyes are burning with hate and loathe. "Oh it's you" she rolls her eyes while standing up on her full hight.

"Didn't know this little Angel was related to this witch" I roll my eyes and Jasmine looks at me like she's gonna burn me alive any second.

"Bye Asher" Ruby smiles and i smile back. "Bye" I wave at her as she runs inside the house. "Says the Devil himself" Jasmine crosses her arms. "I'm far worse then the Devil, principessa" i smirk and turn around to leave before she can say another word.


I walk inside to find the house empty and quite... mom and dad had a important business meeting today so they had to go. Or well mom was basically dragged there.

She insisted to stay home and take care of Lavender because of her sore throat and cancel the meeting even though it's super important.

After so long Lavender ended up convincing mom to go and that she's fine, but mom said that whatever happened she has to call her and dad and that they will leave the meeting for her.

Mom's parents were never around when she was growing up, heck they didn't even care about her. She raised her self and uncle Enzo. No wonder she's such an good and an amazing mom.

Dads parents did go to business trips and stuff but only when they HAD TO! But they we're there when he and Auntie Amelie we're growing up.

I close the door behind me and walk upstairs to Lavender room and walk inside. "Lav?" I whisper. She's sleeping on her bed peacefully while hugging her pink bunny stuffed animal.

I have the same one but in blue and Luna has one in white. We still have them and so what? You can never get too old for plushies. That's what Lav always says.

"Lavy" I whispered one more time while walking towards her bed and sitting down on the floor next to the bed.

"Asher" Lav quietly mutters while being half asleep. "Yeah" I whisper while fixing her blanket and stroking her hair.

"Are mom and dad home yet" she yawns and runs a hand over her face. "No, not yet-" just as I was about to finish my sentence Lav's room door barges open.

And guess who was standing out side? You guessed it. Our mom. "Are you okay? Do you have fever? How are you feeling" mom throws the questions while walking towards us.

"And hello mi amor, how was school" mom lightly smiles and kisses my forehead. "It was good Mama, and hello to you too"

{my love (in Spanish btw}

"I'm okay mama and no I don't have a fever just a sore throat that will go away in a day or two" Lav tiredly smiles and closes her eyes.

"Just making sure your okay" mom whispers while push a strand of hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear.

The room door slams open once again. And this time it was our dad.

"Hey dad" Lav and I say at the same time. Dad walks towards us and sits down beside mom. "Hey, what are you guys talking about" he asks.

"Nothing special, we we're just checking up on Lavy" I answer in the behalf of mom and Lav. Dad nods and turns his head to face Lav "Are you feeling any better now"

"Yeah I am" Lav nods while yawning once more. She needs to sleep more honestly, she sent me like 20 funny cat videos at 4AM last night. I don't think she slept untill 5AM.

But that's just how she is and she's great just the way she is the way she is.

Word count ~1368~

Welp I hope you guys liked this chapter, and had a good day!

Anyways hope you had a good read, see ya next time! Love ya! Mwah 💋

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