Chapter 9

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Chapter song: STUCKINMYBRAIN, by Chase Atlantic

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Chapter song: STUCKINMYBRAIN, by Chase Atlantic

"Struggle with it every day, it's an illness. I just sit and lie awake on some real shit"

Oh my fucking gosh. Why on earth did I suggest fake dating? I mean I do need to get my grades up...

Anyways the party ended at 11pm and Lavender and I left together and she told me that she knows because Jasmine told her.

Of course she did. I hope she doesn't fucking blab it to the whole fucking universe.

I am curious tho... who was that guy in the mask?

It's 3AM now and I'm laying on my bed with my thoughts. I hate insomnia. I want to sleep but I can't and I fucking hate it. It's so annoying and my head is Killing me... I just wish I could sleep peacefully for once.

Anyways back to the whole fake dating stuff. How the fuck am I gonna do that? I wasn't even thinking. Why am I so stupid.

Lavender always says. 'Think twice before doing or saying anything' I should have listened to her...

My phone pinged with a text and I quickly grabbed it to see who it was. Eric.


I know ur still awake so go to sleep!

I'm trying! I can't...

I know... we got basket ball practice after school tmr btw

yeah I know. Go to bed now. Night


Another notification pinged on my phone. Who the fuck is awake at this hour instead of me?

I click on the message and of course it's my dearest sister.

Lavy 💗

Lavy 💗:
Go to sleep Asher I know your still awake!

and how did you know that?

Lavy 💗:
I can hear you overthinking so shut up.

I'm not overthinking. How did you know? Im not even think out loud.

Lavy 💗:
Wooooow. Look who has been my twin for 18 years and still doesn't know I can basically hear and see through them. Fuck you.

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