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"How long you planning on sticking around?" the angel asked as I made my way over to Isabelle.

"Are you suggesting I hit the road and join the ranks of the fallen?" I shot back, but he just kept walking beside me, unfazed.

"If you don't skedaddle, the king might just send a posse of demons to haul you off to hell," he warned, his tone serious.

I carefully scooped up Isabelle in my arms. She was out cold.

"I ain't ever setting foot in hell again," I declared firmly as we entered the caravan.

"You're a fallen angel, Ero. Heaven's doors are closed to you," the angel reminded me as I carefully laid Isabelle down on the couch. "And if the king finds out his son's been offed, he'll have it out for you."

I glared at him, frustration bubbling up inside me. "Why don't you set the record straight then?" I demanded.

He hesitated, his words catching in his throat. "I can't... do that," he finally admitted.

I let out a bitter laugh. "Then what good are you?" I snapped. "If you ain't here to help me, then get the hell outta here!"

The angel flashed a sad smile. "I ain't lookin' to see harm come to her. She's just a regular human, ain't got no stake in your beef with Adrian or the divine. I ain't about to let her get caught up in all this mess. Even the big man upstairs wouldn't be pleased to see her life go to waste."

I spun around to face him, my anger boiling over. "How the hell is her life in danger? She's got nothin' to do with me, she's just another face in the crowd," I shouted back, my frustration palpable.

I peered at Isabelle sprawled out on the couch, her face as pale as a ghost and peaceful in her unconscious state. She looked like she didn't have a care in the world, breathing steady and deep like she was catching some serious Z's. With all the craziness swirling around us, she seemed like an island of calm in a stormy sea.

"You're head over heels for her, Ero," the Angel dropped the bombshell, and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets in disbelief. "This is why the big guy warned against getting mixed up with humans. Your divine tattoo showing up was all because of her, and it's the only reason you're still kicking. You've been smitten since day one."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks, making me feel like I'd been sucker-punched in the gut. "What the hell are you saying?" I spat out, my anger boiling over. "Do you have any idea how much I despise her? She and Adrian drive me up the damn wall!"

The angel simply chuckled, seemingly unaffected by my outburst. "You can deny it all you want,"You're just bothered when she's around your enemy," the angel remarked in a more casual tone, " I won't push it any further, but I can't keep hanging around here all the time. It's gonna raise some eyebrows, and I might buy your story, but everyone back in Elysium thinks you're the killer," the angel said bluntly. "You can't prove it was Adrian, so it's time for you to head back."

With that, he vanished into thin air, leaving behind a faint scent of something sweet. The sudden brightness blinded me momentarily, and when my vision cleared, he was gone.

As I looked down at her, a heavy sigh escaped my lips. "She's so damn annoying," I muttered under my breath, but even as I spoke the words, a pang of guilt gnawed at my conscience. She lay there, groaning softly in pain, her face and neck marred by the demon's cruel grip.

Gently, I pulled the blanket up, tucking it around her fragile form. Sitting down beside the couch, I leaned in closer to her face, studying her features intently. Her complexion was pallid, exhaustion etched into every line of her weary face.

Unable to resist, I reached out, placing my palm against her cheek. Closing my eyes, I focused my magic, allowing its healing energy to flow through me. Slowly but surely, the injuries began to fade, the pain melting away as if it had never been.

As I watched her, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over me. Guilt, for involving her in my dangerous world. Concern, for her well-being. And perhaps, if I dared to admit it, a flicker of something else – a budding sense of care, buried beneath layers of resentment and fear.

But for now, all I could do was watch over her, hoping she would find peace in her slumber, even as turmoil raged within me.


Isabelle Pov

As I stirred awake, waves of pain rippled through my body, causing me to groan and shift uncomfortably. Slowly, I peeled open my eyes, blinking against the harsh light filtering into the small space around me. The room felt cramped, the walls closing in as I sat up on the couch, the warmth of the blanket still enveloping me.

A dull ache throbbed in my temples, and I reached up to massage them, trying to coax my memories to the surface. Fear clawed at my insides as fragmented images began to resurface, piecing together the events of the previous night.

Suddenly, the sound of running water caught my attention, drawing me out of my haze. Someone was showering nearby, their presence adding an unsettling layer to the already tense atmosphere.

I dragged myself up from the cozy embrace of the couch, abandoning the warm blanket with a sigh. As I made a feeble attempt to sneak out, the bathroom door swung open, revealing Ero like a vision from a steamy romance novel. Water droplets cascaded down his sculpted physique, glistening in the soft light like liquid diamonds. His baggy pants hung low on his hips, emphasizing the powerful muscles rippling beneath his sleeveless t-shirt.

"You're up," he greeted casually, running a towel through his wet hair before offering me tea. My heart fluttered in my chest as I hesitated, my mind racing with the realization that he wasn't an average human.

"Uh, yeah, I was just... leaving," I stuttered, edging towards the door in a flustered hurry. But before I could make my getaway, Ero's hand intercepted mine, halting my escape.

"Whoa there, slow down," he chuckled, his presence looming behind me as his damp hair brushed against my skin. Despite my fear, his touch sent a jolt of electricity coursing through me.

"It's too late, you need to rest up," he insisted, his grip firm on my shoulder as he turned me to face him. My eyes darted away nervously, avoiding his intense gaze.

"Don't you know how annoying you are?" he teased, his lips brushing against my neck as he leaned in closer. "But... you kinda grow on me," he added with a playful wink, sending a shiver down my spine.


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