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the next day izzie was up early baking muffins while george and meredith got ready for work, they were at the front door putting their shoes on

"you know i talked to dr.montgomery yesterday" george says

"really and you're still alive?" izzie walks over to them waiting for her muffins to bake

"well i told her callie told me she loved me and i didn't say it back" george says

"you didn't say it back!?" izzie and meredith both yell

"george! you have to say it back!" meredith says

"hey i already got enough lecture from dr.montgomery yesterday i don't need anymore" george says

"well you need more" izzie says

they both get to work and change into scrubs

they walk out with cristina and alex to the nurses station where bailey is

"yang you're with burke make sure he's okay, karev dr.montgomery, grey the pit and o'malley the chief" bailey says

they all go separate ways

addison had a case on a baby that was in a trash can at a high school wondering who the mother was

alex and addison go to the lobby to see parents arguing

"it is not my little girl she would never do that!" a dad yelled at another

"mine wouldn't either!" he says back

"okay please calm down" addison says

they go silent and addison tells them what they can do to find out but none of the girls were up for it so they just had to figure it out

after addison checked up on the baby she was looking at her charts while walking into the elevator

she looks up and sees meredith after pressing her button

"hey" she says

"hi" meredith smiles

"so i'm working on this case with a mystery high school mom that dumped her baby in the school bathroom" addison says

"vaginal exam?" meredith asks

"they're not willing to do it" addison sighs

"that's okay" meredith says "you'll find out eventually" meredith says

addison turns to meredith "yeah..i will" she says

they look at each other but addison breaks eye contact when bailey walks in

after that they go separate ways

the day ended with addison exhausted she was walking out not realizing that it was raining and an umbrella covered her

"be careful addie" meredith says holding it up for her

just like how addison did for meredith

she wants to tell meredith everything in her mind but she just stares at her

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