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"wowww" izzie says "that's so cute" she says again

"that was pretty cute" george admits

"you ran outside, dr.montgomery-grey i'm so happy you changed your mind to date mer" izzie says

they both smile

"i'm more than glad, i'm very happy i ended up marrying her" addison says

"im happy too" meredith says planting a kiss on addisons cheek

"you guys are sweet but make me angry cause of what alex did" izzie rolls her eyes

"what did he do?" george and meredith both ask

"well he hasn't been able to..you know in bed and we tried in the on call room but he still couldn't and then i got paged and came back and saw him in bed with your syph nurse!" izzie turned to george

"interns these days are crazy, now i kind of get why bailey's tired of you guys, except for mer she's a good girl" addison says

"but she slept with-" george couldn't finish as izzie kicked him

"shut up" izzie mouthed

"you can mention it" addison says

"doesn't it bug you, to know a man slept with your wife?" meredith asks

"..a little, but i know i'm better in bed" addison says

meredith laughs while izzie and george throws pillows at them
the next day meredith and cristina went jogging

cristina stops for air as meredith jogs in place infront of her

"oh youre stupid, oh god you're a stupid evil sadist, i wanna kill you" cristina says as she jogs along with meredith

"endorphins are good, endorphins are mood elevators, this is supposed to make us feel good" meredith says

"oh god, you feel better?" cristina asks meredith

"i'm stupid" meredith says running around cristina

"slutty cheater" cristina says

"pregnant whore" meredith says back

"sleeping with our bosses was a great idea" cristina pants

"you know what's ruined for me?" meredith asks stretching

"huh?" cristina says

"working, i used to love working but now everytime i go i have to see derek and my mood is ruined because i have a wife and he constantly tries to talk to me" meredith explains then lays down on the grass

"maybe he just wants to know the truth?" cristina lays beside her

"in a storage closet?" meredith turns to her "i don't think so, the only person who can shove me in a vacant room is my wife" meredith says

"oh shut up you're happily married we get it, at least you're not pregnant" cristina says
at work addison didn't know whether to stay after a surgery she performed so she was talking to the chief in his office

"well addie you have a wife here and friends come on" the chief says

"you have a point" addison nods

there was a knock on the door and george came in

"uh chief, it's ellis grey..we think she might have cancer" george says

the three of them walk down the halls while addison looks through ellis grey's files

"poor mer, first her mother has alzheimer's and now she has cancer?" george says

"well we don't know if it's cancer for sure, o'malley" the chief says

they walk down the stairs and izzie comes up to them in a rush

"excuse me, dr. grey we need you fast" izzie says

addison sighs

"it was cristina, one of our interns, she's..she's collapsed" izzie says glancing over at george

"cristina's collapsed" george asks

izzie ignores him

"why do you need me?" addison asks

izzie pauses and looks down, addison knew and looks at the chief who seems distressed

"cristina's pregnant?!" george asks

"shut up george" izzie says walking down the stairs "please come" she says to addison

later on george and the chief walks into the OR that derek and meredith are in and ask for meredith

"derek, you need to clear me for surgery now" the chief says

"you are not ready yet" derek says

"you need to clear me or you are fired" the chief says again

"chief you are not ready" derek says

"uh we need meredith..for a signature" george interrupts

they all look at meredith

"it's my mother right? you think she has cancer?" meredith asks

george and meredith walk out while the chief and derek are still in their arguing

george's body language seems off which makes meredith notice

"what aren't you telling me" meredith says after signing the paper

george hesitates then looks at meredith "it's cristina" he says

addison and bailey get cristina in an OR, as addison works hard and fast to stop the bleeding

meredith scrubs out after her surgery and derek tries to see if she's okay

"don't" she says

"i'm sorry" derek says

"stop saying you're sorry" meredith says washing her hands

"meredith we really need to talk about this" derek says not saying anything else since alex was there

"do you really think alex cares about this? alex do you care that i was dumb enough to cheat on my wife with a creep?" meredith asks

"nope" alex says then dries his hands

"meredith" derek says

"no, no cause i have a beautiful wife and you have to acknowledge that she's very sweet and never considered a divorce after finding out i cheated on her and that you're lucky because she hasn't sent you to hell yet" meredith almost yells

"and right now! she's currently saving my best friends life" meredith says again then leaves

meredith hates derek..but she hasn't told cristina what he had done

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