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it had been a couple weeks and addison has completely healed and she's been back at work for a week and alex has been on her service for that whole week since they're case has been going on for a while, he got her introuble for tying patients fallopian tube so she made sure he got hell

"rounds people" bailey says as they follow her

"stevens you're with burke, o'malley the chief, karev you're with dr.montgomery grey, yang and grey the pit" she says

they disappeared

yesterday addison delivered the three babies and alex was on call all night making sure they were okay

"karev how are they doing?" addison asks looking at her charts

"good they're doing good" alex says

"great, we have another patient and she's due to deliever today, twins" addison says walking into the patients room

"hey, dr.grey" the patient says

"hey, brooke how are you feeling?" she asks

"good, everything seems good" brooke says

"that's good, don't panic once you're in labor is the father here?" she asks

"yeah he's in the cafeteria" brooke says

"oh alright, dr.karev will be looking after you today" addison says

after everything they stepped out and addison was looking over her files again at the nurses station

"i know this is a little inappropriate..but are you and meredith considering on having a kid?" he asks

"..i'm not answering that karev" addison says

"look you punish me by making me be on your service for a whole week at least answer my questions" alex says

"you're asking really personal questions that don't involve you" addison says taking off her glasses

he rolls his eyes

"why don't you start charting then if you're so bored" addison says handing her the patients charts

"i think your hotness makes up for your personality" alex mumbles

"i heard that, and that was really inappropriate if i told my wife she'd kill you" addison says walking away

addison walks into the elevator and sees meredith running towards it

"hold it!" she yells then slips in

addison smiles and kisses her after meredith presses a button

addisons hands land on her waist lifting up her shirt, meredith smiles cupping addisons face

they pull away for air

"what was that?" meredith asks

"just come" addison says once the elevator stops she takes meredith's hand and leads her to an empty on call room locking the door behind them "you're not busy right?" she asks

"no, im not" meredith says biting her lip

they continue and later on they lay in bed

"we should really stop kissing at work" meredith says

"yeah but this is nice" addison says

"it is" meredith smiles

"would you ever want to have kids?" addison suddenly asks

it goes silent

"i mean i'm just asking cause you know, it's okay you don't have to answer" addison panics

"no, no i would love to have kids with you, but i feel like right now we shouldn't im still an intern you know" meredith says

"yeah i know" addison says happily

they get dressed once both their pagers went off and walk out together

they part ways until it's the end of the day, addison was waiting for meredith at the front door lobby

"sorry i'm late there was a trauma case, a teenager was pushed off a balcony" meredith says putting her coat on

"are they okay?" addison asks holding her bag for her

"yeah they're doing better, hahn is going to operate on her tomorrow" mer says

they walk out together, and addison drives them home

"what do you wanna eat?" addison asks walking in the house

"pizza" meredith says

"i'll order some" addison says

after taking a shower together and changing into comfortable clothes they went down to the kitchen and saw the box of pizza addison got before showering

"i'm so tired" meredith says

"me too, you should rest" addison says

"addie..are we happy?" meredith asks

"..i am happy when i'm with you, are you not happy when you're with me?" addison asks

"i don't know" meredith says sighing

"what's wrong?" addison asks

"i..i slept with george" meredith says

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