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that night addison ordered chinese food for herself and meredith ate izzie's left over brownies and a sandwich, they talked about it then switched to talk about other important things

"well the chief called me for a case..and i also came back to get you it's only been a week a week i tried getting on a flight earlier but all of them were canceled i'm glad i'm here" addison says

"i'm glad you're here too, but are you staying?" meredith takes a bite of her brownie

"..if you want me to i can stay i can move over here" addison says

"of course i want you to stay addie" meredith says

"i'm just sorry i couldn't be here for your first day as an intern" addison says

"it's okay addie" meredith says

"i'm proud of you" addison turns to meredith smiling and meredith smiles back

"so..was he better than me?" addison asks changing the subject

meredith almost choked on her water

"addie!" meredith says

"what? come on" addison is amused

"..not even close" meredith whispers

"seriously?" addison laughs

meredith nods "i'm a very honest person addie, even if you are my wife i would tell you how you are in bed, and it's probably one of the reasons why i said yes to marrying you"

"oh really?" addison says smirking

"yeah" meredith says

"then..why don't we head upstairs?" addison asks

meredith smiles

they make it upstairs making out the whole way

the next morning, they both woke up naked well addison did first to meredith's snoring as she always did

meredith woke up to her alarm and addison turns it off

"were you watching me sleep again?" meredith asks

"yeah, it's still so adorable" addison smiles

meredith smiles snuggling in her arms

"meredith! are you awake!" izzie yells

"that's izzie" meredith whispers

"do you want me to hide?" addison asks

"no, she won't come in" meredith says

"mer?" izzie says

"yeah i'm awake what do you need?" meredith asks

"i made french toast it's getting cold and your on call the same time so hurry and get up" izzie says

"alright" meredith says

"wanna get ready together?" addison asks

"yeah" meredith says

they take a shower together and brush their teeth

addison had to wear her clothes from yesterday since meredith's clothes were either too small or not her style

addison had to sneak out and get a cab to work

"so is george still on call?" meredith asks

"yep all night" izzie says plating meredith french toast

"thanks" meredith says

"who had chinese food?" izzie asks "did you invite mcdreamy?" she asks

"uhh..about that, cristina's the only one who knows this and i feel like i should tell you" meredith says

"what's up?" izzie asks

"i'm married" meredith says

"to mcdreamy?!" izzie asks "he proposed?" she asks again

"no, no" meredith says regretting telling her so she had to lie again "in my dream he proposed..but last night we fought so yeah"

"wow" izzie says "maybe that's foreshadowing that you're gonna get married" izzie says

"..yeah maybe" meredith says

they went to work

meredith and izzie went to the locker room to change into scrubs and george was sitting in the bench while cristina and alex had already changed

"guys hurry and change rounds start in 5 minutes" george says yawning

"poor george" cristina says

"here i packed you some french toast to eat during your free time" izzie says handing him a container

"thanks iz" george takes it and opens it up, he quickly eats it since he hadn't eaten since lunchtime yesterday

"easy george you're gonna choke" meredith says after she changes

"i'm okay" he mumbled and gets a water bottle from his locker

suddenly the door swings open

"okay people, rounds" bailey says "and we have a new attending who has requested an intern" she says walking out as the five interns followed

"a new attending?" alex asks

"it's temporary the chief has her in for a case she won't be staying long" bailey says stopping at the nurses station

coincidentally addison walked past them looking at her patients file

"and speaking of her there she is" bailey says seeing her, addison stops and stands beside bailey

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