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meredith leaves and runs to the OR that cristina is in

she puts on a mask as bailey comes to the door

"need something?" bailey asks

"i'm coming in" meredith says

"no, you're not" bailey pulls down her mask

"i am i'm her friend" meredith says

"exactly, she's lying on the operating table, naked, she's sedated but she's probably scared out of her mind, and right now she's not a doctor she's not your friend, she's a patient and she deserves to have all the privacy i can give her, you're not going in there" bailey says

meredith sighs and pulls down her mask

"we went jogging this morning" meredith says "i made her go jogging, there's no way that could've.." she says

"no..no it started out this way, nothing caused it to happen" bailey says

meredith looks into the OR catching her wife's eyes

"you have to let me in there" meredith says

"you can try, but i have to take you down, hey i may be short but you're pretty tiny, i could do it" bailey jokes

"right now, just in this moment, i hate you" meredith says

"yeah, well i can take it" bailey says closing the OR door and going back to cristina

after the surgery bailey stays by cristina's side until she wakes up, meredith constantly checks up on her too

"she'll be okay meredith" addison was walking down the hall and saw meredith come out of her room

meredith ran up to hug her, almost knocking the wind out of addison

"thank you..thanks for saving her" meredith says

"it's my job, mer" addison says stroking her hair

"thanks anyway, i was really worried that it was my fault" meredith says looking back at cristina

"it's not, you should rest meredith" addison says

"i can't sleep, and i'm on call tonight" meredith says

"i'm sorry i won't be here with you then..when you come back there will be a pot of spaghetti waiting for you" addison says

"thanks addie" meredith smiles kissing her on the cheek

they walk over to the nurses station looking through cristina's files

"do you..know who the father is, or was?" addison asks

"if i tell you..you won't freak out?" meredith asks

"i won't" addison says

"it's dr.burke" meredith says looking around

"burke?!" addison says loudly

"shhh, you said you wouldnt freak out" meredith says covering her mouth

addison takes her hand away "burke? what is it with interns sleeping with attendings" addison says

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