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meredith takes that moment to kick him in the crotch, derek falls to his knees

"go to hell, you jerk" meredith runs out

she walks to the NICU wing hoping she would see addison, and she did in the baby room playing with a baby she had just delivered

"hey, addie" she says quietly walking in

"hey honey, what're you doing here?" addison asks

"it's almost lunch time" meredith says standing beside her smiling at the baby

"you know i really want kids" addison says

"we would have cute kids" meredith says

"we would" addison smiles

meredith starts thinking about what happened and what would've happened if she hadn't thought fast

addison notices "are you okay?"

"..no, i really need to talk to you" meredith says

"alright, let's go to the cafeteria" addison says letting go of the baby's hand

she walks with meredith

"you seem a bit nervous" addison says

"i am" meredith says

"don't be, if you don't want to tell me you don't have to" addison says

"i will, because you're my wife and you're the only one i feel safe with" meredith says "and cristina"

they get their lunch and sit down at a table

"so..something happened last week, when i was on call" meredith says "derek, asked to talk to me so he took me to a storage closet and we..talked but he kissed me it was more of someone biting my lips, i didn't kiss him back but he moved his hands down to my waist and i kicked him and ran out and that's when i bumped into you" meredith explains

"i'll kill him" addison says rushing out of the cafeteria before meredith could stop her

meredith runs after her and drags george, izzie and cristina along with her

"addison" meredith calls out

but up at the bridge the four of them saw the both of them on the ground fighting, addison was on top of derek punching him, they ran up the stairs towards them

izzie and meredith drag addison off while george and cristina hold derek back

"ok stop!" cristina says to both of them "george page bailey and the chief"

george does so quickly and they come rushing in

"what's going on here!" the chief yells

"why are both of y'all faces messed up!" bailey scolds

"bailey take derek, i'll take addie and figure out what the problem is, grey come on" the chief says

he takes them to a conference room and meredith quickly goes to get ice packs for her face and hands

"punching out people on my surgical floor?!" the chief yells as meredith places one on her hand and gives one to put on her cheek

"now my head of neonatal surgery's million dollar hands are all bruised up" he yells again "really addie? punching people out on my surgical floor?! can someone tell me what happened?" he yells

"he assaulted my wife!" addison yells back looking up at him

he pauses "grey, what did he do to you?"

"..he forcefully kissed me in a storage closet and he tried to do it again today" meredith looks down

"what?!" addison shouts

"addie calm down" chief says

"fire him chief" addison says putting the ice pack down since her arm was getting sore

meredith takes the ice pack and puts it on her other bruised cheek

"thanks mer" she says quietly

"i'll fire him" the chief says walking out

"i'm sorry" addison says flinching because of the pain on her cheeks

"it's okay, im just worried you got hurt badly" meredith says switching to her other cheek

"it's not that bad" addison says

"i'll give you some stitches" meredith says taking her hand

"ow!" addison yelps

"oh my gosh, i'm sorry i'm sorry" meredith bites her lip

she helps addison up and takes her to a room to give her stitches

"you know, you didn't have to fight him though you could've just gave him one punch" meredith says

"i know but my anger just took over and i did it for you, that night when you ran into me your lip was bleeding it was bleeding, so i had to get him back now that i knew the truth" addison says

"thanks addie" meredith says "you're my knight and shining armor"

"he tried to do it again.." addison says

"he couldn't get far cause i kicked his crotch when he stepped towards me" meredith snickers

"that's my girl" addison smiles

meredith finished up and wipes the ointment off, she cleans off the tray and gets more ice packs before they go back to the conference room

they sit down and addison places her hands down on the table while meredith places the ice packs on them

"my hands hurt very bad" addison sighs

"i'm sorry addie" meredith says

"it's not your fault it's his fault" addison says

"you know it's kind of hot what you did" meredith says

"is it?" addison raises her brow

"yeah" meredith smiles giving her a kiss on her lips

the chief comes in "he's doing some paperwork right now, i won't be tolerating this behavior meredith are you okay?" he asks

"i'm okay" meredith says

"good, addie are you okay?" he asks

"still in a big amount of pain but i'm okay" addison says

"just rest for now tomorrow you can have the day off you can't do anything with those hands" the chief sighs "make sure to take care of her, grey"

meredith nods "i will"

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