CHAPTER 16: The Slave Trade

Start from the beginning

After his embarrassing display of ignorance, which should have been common knowledge even for a commoner, Daisuke humbled himself and reassured Sylvia that she was in good company. In response, the girl's ears perked up with excitement, and her bushy tail swished with newfound animation.

Meanwhile, April adamantly refused to loosen her grasp on Daisuke's shirt, let alone consider being placed in a separate room. When a dress accidentally landed on her head, she swiftly retrieved it and held it before her face.

"Wow—so pretty!" she exclaimed with a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling with admiration as she admired the garment.

Daisuke observed her with a tender smile, noting the subtle flush that graced her cheeks for the first time since their departure from Dusthaven. He desperately wanted to preserve that glow.

"Master Langley," Sylvia called nervously, even as her deft hands continued rummaging through the trunk. "I appreciate your leniency, but you should really be cautious about how you express your views on Beastkin around others. You could find yourself in a lot of trouble."

"Thanks, Sylvia. I'll keep that in mind," Daisuke replied, turning towards the bathroom. "I'll go ahead and take a bath first."

"I'll go, too," April chimed in.

Sylvia was evidently far more shocked by those words than Daisuke. "A-Aprilena... perhaps you should let Master Langley go first, then you can go afterwards?"

April pouted, her cheeks puffing up like a balloon. "No, I want us to go together!"

Sylvia looked around awkwardly, her cheeks flushing. "A-Aprilena... at your age, boys and girls shouldn't be taking a bath together. Because... well, it's umm—"

"It's fine," Daisuke interjected, only to note Sylvia undoing her bowtie sheepishly before slowly rolling her stocking down the length of one creamy leg.

Daisuke cringed. "Umm. What are you doing?"

"Offering myself in her place."

"And why exactly would you need to do that?"

Sylvia paused, gathering her thoughts. "...From what I've observed, human men are devils who only live to feed their desires. Among all the species, they are known to be the ones mostly consumed by greed and lust, mating with practically anything that moves."

Daisuke stood motionless, pokerfaced. It was shameful, but he couldn't quite deny that horrible truth. "That may be so, but humans generally don't mate with their siblings."

His conscience, depicted by a small chibi figure, averted its gaze with a guilty expression. Though... April and I aren't technically related.

"I'm going!" April declared, throwing a tantrum as she clung to her pretend brother. "I don't want to be alone!"

Sylvia's lips quivered with disapproval, concern evident in her eyes. Daisuke observed the genuine care and determination reflected in her gaze. Just before she could respond, he posed a question to her.

"Sylvia," he began, his tone serious and commanding, almost tangible in the room, "can I trust you?"

His intensity caused her to swallow nervously before she replied, "Y-Yes! Of course!"

Daisuke's gaze narrowed to dangerous slits, his butterscotch eyes practically smoldering with intensity. With a steely expression, he delivered his warning. "If you betray me and endanger Aprilena's life, I'll do everything in my power to kill you."

Sylvia's hair bristled in response to the chilling threat, but she clenched her fists and nodded with solemn resolve.

Daisuke's hostility ebbed away as he relaxed his shoulders. He crouched down to meet his makeshift sister at eye level, gently stroking her hair. "I'll go freshen up and then head down for supper," he said softly. "I need you to stay here and lock the doors while I'm away. I'll bring you something to eat later."

April hugged her knees, tears welling in her eyes. It was clear she was more distressed about being alone than her rumbling stomach. "Big Brother, please don't leave me," she pleaded, her voice trembling with regret. "I'm sorry I acted without your permission."

She must be referring to the food run Brek organized. "I'm not mad about that," Daisuke reassured her gently.

"...You're not?"

"Of course not, silly," he replied with a small smile. "I just want you to stay safe." He glanced meaningfully at the attentive Beastkin beside them. "And while I'm away, Sylvia will be here with you."

"T-That's right, Aprilena!" she exclaimed, throwing herself on the ground beside the brooding child. "Why don't you lend me a hand with starting the fireplace? Afterwards, we can make sure you're all cleaned up before Master Langley returns."

April glanced up at Daisuke, as if seeking his approval, and he responded with a reassuring nod and a warm smile.

"You lost Mr. Honeykins back in Dusthaven, right?" he asked softly. "I promise I'll find you another friend if you're a good girl and stay here."

"H-Hn! I'll do as you say."

"Atta girl," Daisuke praised with a gentle pat on her head.

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