XXVIII - A night with friends

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"Damn this house is so darn big" Beomgyu said as I smiled walking next to him .

"What is our plan for tonight ?" Lisa asks and I scream in excitement "WE ARE GONNA HAVE FUN THE WHOLE NIGHT" I said and they all cheered .

"Thanks to Jungkook , he brought us a bunch of things to enjoy ourselves" I said and they all thanked jungkook in a unity .

I smiled as I led them to the room jungkook had set up and they gasped .

"Is this your room?" Yeji asked and I hesitantly nodded .

"She's lying" Beomgyu said and I look at him "Where do you actually sleep ?" He asked with one of his brows raised .

I was gonna speak but jungkook spoke before me "She sleeps with me" he said and I facepalmed myself.


"On two different beds you mean ?" Jin asked confused but jungkook just innocently smiled and replied "No . She sleeps with me , in my room , on my bed , with me on the same bed" he said and continued smiling while I was hiding my face .

"You little piece of shit , kidnapping wasn't enough? You're even sleeping with her now" Beomgyu said and my eyes widened as I looked up at him .

"BEOMGYU shut up bro , don't talk to him like that" I said and he looks at me and scoffs .

"Its okay y/n , I won't kill him as long as he's close to you" jungkook spoke glaring at Beomgyu .

And then he looked away to look at me "Enjoy yourself sweetheart" He said smiling at me and leaving , closing the door.

I look at beomgyu "I agreed to sleep on the same bed as him . I get more here than I got at taehyung's , he's keeping me safe , he's keeping you guys safe , he let's me do everything I want . So sleeping on the same bed as him is not as bad okay? It's not like I am having sex with him . Don't talk to him in that tone , he's a mafia I saw him kill someone in the foyer this morning . So please all of you keep your grudges aside and be polite" I said and they sighed .

"Well no point fighting you idiots . We got her back just be thankful . ATLEAST she is alive . Let's have fun tonight" Jin said opening his hands signaling for a group hug .

I was the first one to run in , and beomgyu was the last but in the end he softened .


Jungkook's Pov

I had a map rolled out on my desk as I marked all the exits and entry .

"Bro why are we stealing this again? We are not thieves" Hobi hyung asked .

"The diamond necklace is my mother's. I'll give it to y/n" I said and I heard him gasp so I looked up at him "What?" I asked .

"That chunky ass diamond necklace is your mother's" he asked and I nodded .

"Bruh you were rich?" He asked and I nodded yet again .

"So you're telling me your dad was Rich and has still not able to get out of the prison? WOW the government finally started working" he said and I chuckled .

"I bought all the lawyers he tried hiring , so he never got out . When I was 18 he did get out once , he came for my sister , from that time on I just decided I need to earn money . Because money can buy anything" I said as I marked the location for diamonds .

"I can't believe we fell apart so terribly" hobi hyung said and I looked up at him.

"I can't believe you and taehyung fell apart so terribly" he said as the memories of the past came rushing back but I was quick to shake them off .

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