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"We should have been in Daegu right now" he said i fed him another spoon of the kimchi rice .

"Well its alright we can go there after you're discharged and ready to travel...i guess" i said spooning another bite .

"yeah i guess" he said sulking .

"you can videocall your grandma right now if you want" jin said from the corner , and i nodded agreeing "yeah he's right . you can videocall her now, if you miss her" i added

"She'll get worried" he said and i sighed .

"Beomgyu , we'll go when you're discharged and maybe this time jin can come along too" i said and beomgyu's eyes lit up "YEAHHHH . thats a plus point . he can join . we all can have a bestfriends road trip . lesss go" he squealed and i chuckled .

After feeding him , i began to eat my food .

"Y/N did you go for jimin's daily checkup ?" Jin asked and my hand stopped near my mouth , the spaghetti dangling near my lips .

"shittt , i forgot" i quickly finished my spaghetti , all of it in one go , which was probably 4 spoonful bites

"Easyy girl , you'll choke" he Said but i drank watEr on top and swallowed the food . i quickly picked up my coat and rushed out .


Taehyung's POV

"She didnt come today" i mumbled to myself .

"Kim Taehyung in love , never thought i'll live to see this day" jimin commented

"Well now that you have lived to see that day , i think i should kill you" i said and looked at him to see his smile dropped "Asshole" he said and i laughed it off .

the door abruptly opened and entered Y/N , her hair all over the place as she bent down to her knee and grasped it , taking long breaths .

i quickly got up and poured her a glass of water .

"You okay ?" i ask while reaching her with a glass of water , she looked up at me and smiled .

"Yeah just climbed 4 floors and rushed here , so just out of breath" she said then looked at the glass of water ,

"Dont make me drink more water , i just swallowed 4 spoonful of spaghetti with water , ill probably puke if i drink more water" she said and i chuckled .

"I am sorry i am late , the daily checkup ran out of my mind" she said and i smiled "no problem" i said and she smiled back . she straightened her clothes and tied her hair in ponytail making her extremely attractive collarbone show .


i dont like jimin

y/n rolls his shirt everytime to change the dressing and he always looks at me and smirks whenever she touches him .


'Who the hell tries to make his bestfriend jealous ???'

"Park Jimin , you can get discharged tomorrow" she said while writing something on the clipboard .

'Shut the fuck up...NOOOOOO, THIS IS CRISIS . How will i meet her ?'

i saw jimin lookin at me and smirking .


he kept his eyes on me and said "Thankyou for the wonderful piece of information Doctor PARK" he then looked at her and smiled innocently to which she smiled awkwardly .

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