''Sorry ma'am but we aren't exactly the best messengers.'' the third trooper told the woman.

''No, wait.'' She said and pulled out a letter. ''My brother's a stormtrooper captain like you. I... I thought that maybe you are more likely to have a chance at contacting him than I do. It's been years since we last saw each other and... it'll be great if... if he can return home soon.''

The stormtroopers took pity on the woman and the oldest of the group, the second trooper, spoke up. ''Don't worry, little missy. We'll try our best.'' he told her. ''What's his name again?''

''He... abandoned his birth name a while ago. Our... family is... complicated. But he goes by 'Kassus' and he's currently a captain. And last I heard, he was stationed on a planet called Akkadia. That's all I know.''

''That's good enough, miss. We'll try our best.''

''Thank you, sir. You have my gratitude.'' the young woman said and left the stormtroopers alone.

''Did she just say her brother's name is Kassus?'' the first trooper asked. ''As in, Captain Kassus K. Rokossovsky of the shadow legions? The right hand man of Grand Marshal Covraii? The same guy?''

''Dunno. But it's worth a shot, I guess.'' the second trooper told his comrades.

     -planet Byss, Deep Core region-

The world of Byss was the closest planet to the galactic center in the whole galaxy. A nexus of the dark side, strong in it's influence and power, it had attracted the attention of Snoke, and later Sidious, due to it's power. The world was built like an ecumenopolis, a world-city, similar to Coruscant;  an entire layer covered the whole planet, filled with military garrisons, defense stations and factories. Byss in many ways was just one giant factory and the ones operating it were the sith of the Eternal.

As for the inhabitants of Byss, there were many peoples of different languages and species on Byss. There existed a large work force of clones genetically engineered for labour, mindless and existing only to mine and build and clean. There were also former C.I.S leaders who were taken to Byss;  improverished of Coruscant and the Core, political enemies of the emperor, rebel sympathizers, criminals and many people deported from Cobra's numerous campaigns were also kept there. All under the watchful eye of Cobra's SS security and intelligence network, they worked tiredlessly in the factories and shipyards to build monstrosities of war for the use of Cobra. Those that resisted or showed signs of rebelling, met a most gruesome and terrible fate. There was no freedom for the trillions in Byss.

There existed slave breeding centers and there also existed farms to breed creatures to become sith spawn. When a child was born, they would be tested for signs of force sensitivity. If there was, they would be taken to become sith;  if there was none, they were thrown to become slaves in the planet like all the rest. And the working conditions of Byss was unforgiving, harsh and the death rate was high. But it did not matter to the Cobra;  they could always replace lost numbers with peoples they deported from their numerous campaigns.

Darth Sidious, the now deceased Emperor Palpatine, would regret choosing Byss as his chosen place for a resurrection.

''No. No! Traitors!'' shouted the angry spirit of Darth Sidious as all his clone bodies were destroyed and the Eternal Sith refused him a new host. ''You... betray me!?''

''Is that not the philosphy of non-Eternal sith?'' Nymeria sarcastically asked. ''Tell Snoke I said, 'hi', Palps.'' she told the old emperor as she and her sorcerers summoned a portal to chaos-- an infernal realm where the spirits of the worst dark side users went to.

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