| ʙʀᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀᴍ | ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ

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   You were currently hiding in a corner. Jesse had tried to dodge dealing with Ellegaard and Magnus' happy reunion onto you, but luckily you had slipped away before he could. You loved your friends, but you weren't willing to deal with two petty adults in Jesse's place.

   "Y/n!" You groaned, not even having been hidden for five minutes. Axel walked up to you, an upset look on his face. "Lukas didn't do all... this himself, right? I bet you did it all and he wanted the credit." Axel was waving his arms around like he was gesturing to the room, but it looked more like he was signaling a helicopter.

   You looked up at him boredly from the floor and pointed at your unfinished table which Magnus had quit working on upon seeing Elleguaard. "I did that."

   Axel looked at you blankly, his eyes moving between you and the pile of wooden planks. "And...?"

   You sighed, trying to think of what parts of the temple you should say you did. "...I mostly just worked on the stained glass. Finding all the flowers for dyes took a long time."

   Axel seemed like he was holding back an annoyed look. He had wanted you to complain about Lukas so he could validify making fun of him and eased his very slightly guilty conscious, but it seemed like you would be of no help to him. "Well... thanks I guess Y/n..."

   As Axel wandered off, you turned to look at the argument between the master redstone engineer and TNT maniac. It was getting pretty heated, but Elleguaard had finally brought up the idea of finding Soren, so you figured this must be your cue. You would take the fall as the uncultured foreigner just this once.

   "Soren? Isn't he the builder guy?" You walked up behind Jesse, talking a little louder than normal.

   Jesse turned to you with an unbothered look, but after hearing the sweet sound of silence you looked to the Order members to see two mortified looks directed at you. Not knowing about The Order really must have been like someone never seeing Jurassic Park or only watching Morbius and never another Marvel movie.

   "Pardon me?" Elleguaard walked over to you, placing her hands on your shoulders. It reminded you of when you were forced to hug great-great step aunts whose names you didn't know at family reunions and funerals. "If you're asking things like that, you must have been raised in the middle of nowhere!"

   You gave Jesse a side eye, holding in your laugh at how accurate she was. "Whaatt?? No wayyyy!" You mumbled.

   Jesse sighed, brushing Elleguaards' hands off your shoulder. "She was raised in the middle of nowhere. Elleguaard, this is Y/n. Y/n, Elleguaard. You know her, right? She's the one Olivia likes."

   You held in the frown rising on your face. "Yes, Jesse. I do know who she is." You turned to Elleguaard, putting on your most polite smile. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Elleguaard. I overheard that you had a plan to meet up with your friend Soren...?"

   Using honorifics as flattery definitely worked on Elleguaard. Her attitude did a 180° flip, a smile on her face from ear to ear. "It's nice to meet you too, dear. Olivia told me a lot about her good friend Y/n on the way over. I didn't expect you to be so..."

   Elleguaard cleared her throat, but before she could continue Magnus elbowed her to the side, not even pretending to tolerate her. "Y/n. You know me, Magnus, the rogue, the explosionist, and the King of Boomtown."

   "Former king..." You mumbled, not bothering to interrupt the bald Christmas elf.

   "...Ignoring that, you seem like a pretty decent compadre. Axel told me a little about the pranks you've pulled on each other, and you seem like the kind of person to be my right-hand man. Err... girl." Magnus almost reminded you of the online con artists you'd talked to when you were younger despite being told not to multiple times. The outstretched hand like you were making a deal to give him your soul didn't make it much better.

   "She doesn't want to be anyone's right-hand man. Err... girl." Jesse spoke up from behind you. He seemed weirded out by the whole situation, and you didn't blame him. He must have been well-versed in the art of not taking candy from strangers, though.

   Magnus frowned, but completely ignored Jesse. You inwardly frowned knowing you'd have to deal with him yourself. "No thank you."

   That's right. The best way to turn someone down? Sweet, simple, and to the point. Well, it may not be the best way in all situations.

   "Why? I'd give you an outfit just like mine! How cool would it be to- ugh!-" Thankfully, Magnus was interrupted by a swift kick in the shin before you could imagine wearing one of his obnoxiously green... onesies? He'd probably just give you one of his old sweat-smelling ones anyways.

   "Don't bother the girl anymore. We have more serious things to discuss instead of getting distracted about... whatever goes on in there." Here was Elleguaard, coming to your rescue from Magnus' deranged ideas of stuffing you in a smelly, green onesie. Maybe her curt insult was what won you over, but the memory of Magnus suggesting you to be his underling seemed to have a less positive light.

   Magnus groaned, but nodded as he stood up, using Elleguaards' shoulder as a support. He was totally putting all of his weight on her though. "Fine, fine. Tell me about this wither beast."

   "Hermaeus Mora is the Daedric Pr- ow!" 

   Jesse was definitely fed up with your talk about random stuff he'd never heard of. He explained to the two adults the situation, recounting all that he could remember about the monster from Endercon and Redstonia. Magnus eventually agreed to help when Jesse mentioned Ivor and Elleguaard told him about the destruction of her town, and the plan was formed. 

   You were going to find Soren, or as you knew, the unhinged red-head living with monsters that'll rip your head off when you look into their beady, protruding lumps of eyes. What can I say, this is realistic after all.


hahaha... ha... I'm back... (I've been really busy, please don't expect another chapter for a while. The next one might be posted as late as a while into my summer break, school and my extracurriculars have just been a lot lately ;-;)

Anyways, does anyone know where Hermaeus Mora is from? I'd be pleasantly surprised if you do :)

Also, the whole "The only Marvel movie I've seen is Morbius" is totally true. And I can proudly say that Morbius is the best Marvel movie I've ever seen >:D

Questions of the chapter: 

-If you were stuck on an island, which fictional character (who doesn't have superpowers) would you want with you? (not mcsm exclusive)

-Who in mcsm is most likely to... (finish the sentence and answer others' comments!!)

-Best kind of cookie? My favs are chocolate wafers. SO good with hot chocolate.


Not proofread

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