| ʙʀᴇᴡɪɴɢ ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇꜱ | ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ

606 21 18

  As the swirling in your stomach dulled, you realized the lump you had fallen on. Or rather lumps. You, Jesse, Axel, and Lukas had formed an awkward pile as the other four in your group stood to the side, Lukas being the unfortunate base to the heap. Olivia stood to the side looking at you four like an unimpressed mother.

  "Y/n, get off!" Axel grumbled as you stepped to the side, being careful not to (and failing) to avoid stepping the pile of people beneath you.

  You laughed awkwardly, helping Jesse up while 'accidentally' stepping on Axel again. "Sorry, sorry."

  Axel sighed as he got off Lukas, who looked like a stampede had trampled him. His hair was sticking every-which-way and you would have laughed at the smudges of nether-y dirt on his face if it weren't for the current situation. Everyone looked the worse for wear, so you assumed you must have as well.

  "What do we do now?" Olivia asked, looking to Gabriel for advice. She was definitely the least ruffed up of your group, and you could only wonder how her makeup seemed to still be in pristine condition- you knew yours wasn't.

  Gabriel looked over your group, analyzing your friends before running a hand through his hair. "We need to get the Order back together. One of them should have a way to defeat this... monster." He frowned, taking a glowing trinket from his inventory and tossing it in your direction. "Go to our old headquarters. This will lead you to where you need to go. I'll meet you there."

  You clumsily caught the shiny trinket, a frown on your face as you turned it over. It was glowing a light blue, Gabriel obviously (to you at least) being the cause of this. It was a little bigger than your palm, and the bronze seemed dull, like a stone smoothed from being rubbed over.

  Jesse looked up from the amulet in your hands, "What about you? You're talking like you're not going with us."

  Gabriel sighed, an apologetic look on his face. "I trust you and your friends can handle this, Jesse. I have to go back and make sure everyone got to safety." He looked towards the portal, and you realized he wasn't a totally self-absorbed prick. He definitely was, just not as bad as you initially thought.

  Jesse faltered, clearly not wanting to go on without the man. You watched him open his mouth like he wanted to say something and close it repeatedly, 

  As Gabriel stepped towards the portal, the air filled with an awkward silence, you spoke up. "We'll figure it out, don't worry." I mean, you did know the future after all, what could go wrong? Even of the others were afraid, you knew things would end up okay. And with you there, it would be even easier to fight the storm, right? "Go help whoever you can. It's probably still after us, so go in the opposite direction of where we're heading."

  Gabriel gave you an irritated look, obviously not used to being told what to do, but swallowed his pride. "Give the Order my regards, I leave this in your hands." Before Gabriel could enter the portal, he waved his hand to the side where a few minecarts were haphazardly scattered. "Take that railway system. It was built by The Order a while ago, but it's probably still safe."

  Axel looked flabbergasted at Gabriel's remark, stammering a questioning 'probably' as the man disappeared into the purple swirls. You nodded towards the now empty space, clutching the amulet in your fist as you felt sweat lace your palms. He would be fine. You knew he would. But you couldn't shake the gut-feeling saying otherwise.

  Before anyone finished processing the first departure, Petra ran into the portal, "I'll meet you guys later too!" Jesse and Lukas both jumped as she returned to the overworld, clearly panicked that she had so suddenly left. You had to admit, you were startled too.

  "We have to go help them!" Lukas was the first to brush off the shock, glancing at you and Jesse as he nervously eyed the portal. 

  Jesse nodded, "Y/n, you have some skill with fighting, right? Lukas, you might too. We can go back and-" You three had stepped towards the portal, readying yourselves to face what was on the other side, but it came to you first. A black tendril shot out towards Jesse, him yelling in surprise as it threw him into a wall of netherrack. 

  Olivia shouted for him as the tentacle shot in your direction, wrapping around your figure like a child holding a doll. You couldn't move your arms from the way it was grabbing you and flailed your legs as it dragged you towards the portal. It was the most disgusting thing you had ever felt, and where you touched the repulsive smelling tentacle, an oily ooze secreted from its skin seeped into your clothes.

  A shrill scream escaped your lips, your feet being pulled closer to the portal. You couldn't help but feel helpless in that situation, not being able to move as you were dragged closer to the monster. Before you could be pulled into the portal, Lukas stabbed the tentacle with a sword he pulled out from thin air (or more specifically his inventory). 

  The tentacle recoiled as it leaked a black ooze, which made you gag as it reminded you of clotted blood. A horrifying screech resounded from the other side of the portal, and another tentacle shot through the opening, pulling at the obsidian. A simple 'no' was all you could yell before it collapsed, the purple swirls disappearing with a shatter.

  Your group looked at each other dejectedly, knowing there was no chance to reconnect with your lost teammates unless you reached the temple. "I... I guess we should go then?" Jesse mumbled, breaking you out of your trance.

  "Yeah..." You managed, standing up from the netherrack floor and dusting off your clothes, trying to shake off your adrenaline. As you looked around, the dry, crumbly nether ground was all you could see, at least as far as you could. The red fog that always simply smoothed out the chunk rendering in game seemed thicker than you remembered. You could barely see a stone's throw in front of you. But how could there be fog in such a dry place? Was there just a bunch of red dust particles in the air? If that were the case, you would be sneezing up red boogers for weeks.

  As your friends regrouped, you could hear Axel and Lukas arguing in the background, but your thoughts drowned them out. A few shattered glass bottles littered the floor, and you realized why the portal was already lit.

  Clearly, your rag-tag group of soon-to-be-heroes weren't the first people here. 


I was going to have that last line be the first line, but then I just kept writing and then it got to be my normal publishing length... so there. Sorry for the splotchy plot, I keep having to adjust it since I don't really plan ahead. And the question for this chapter:

Who would you rather save; Magnus or Ellegaard? Or would you let both die to save Reuben?

(This will not affect the plot!)



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