| ʙʀᴇᴡɪɴɢ ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇꜱ | ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ

683 22 12

As you and Jesse ran to find Reuben, you came to a familiar clearing.

"Hey, Y/n, do you smell smoke?" Jesse was trailing behind you, picking at his fingernails.

You sniffed the air, a frown adorning your face, "Yeah, I do..." You looked to Jesse, fixing a soft smile on your face, "He'll be alright, don't worry."

Jesse returned your smile, though it was a little wonky. "Yeah..."

You skipped past the unnecessary parts of the search, heading straight towards Reuben's abandoned ender dragon costume. Before Jesse could process what was there, you flipped over one of the costume's sides, revealing no pig -or porkchop- inside.

Jesse sighed in relief, "He's gotta be nearby, right?" His question seemed more directed to himself than you.

You answered anyways, "Yeah, he's around here somewhere."

Jesse wandered off, spotting a river and wading through the water. You sighed and followed, grimacing as your socks and pants were drenched in the cold water.

"Reuben?" Jesse called, oblivious to the darkening sky. He heard an oink from nearby and dashed off with you trailing behind him.

He reached a bush, and kneeling down beside it he asked, "Buddy, you in there?" As Jesse pulled down the branches, Reuben looked out from inside, clearly happy to see him.

Jesse engulfed Reuben in a hug, "I was so worried..." It was cute seeing him hold his best piggy friend so dearly. You knew you would do everything in your power to keep them together.

As they parted, you tossed Reuben your final beetroot cookie, then glanced upwards, "Not to interrupt this touching reunion, but we should get back before it gets dark."

Jesse stood up nodding at your comment. Though, the game still stuck to its original plot. A hoard of zombies emerged from the brambles behind you, one having a wooden sword. Jesse gasped, "We gotta run!"

You nodded in agreement, dashing after the boy and pig. Following Jesse, you came to a halt by a small clearing, you three catching your breath.

"I think we lost them..." Jesse mumbled before you heard a skeleton rattle. Jesse and you made eye contact, but before you could make a move, you heard a bow being drawn. Jesse leapt to the side, barely dodging an arrow to the shoulder.

Reuben squealed and began running once again, you and Jesse following. You ran through the forest, avoiding trees and jumping over fallen logs trying to lose the monsters until you reached a dead end. A stone outcropping reached over your heads, blocking your path.

You looked behind you to see spiders and zombies closing in. Pulling out your iron sword, you swung at the zombie closest to you, following up with another strike to take it down. You twirled your sword, spinning it so the blade was facing behind, spearing a spider jumping onto your back.

You didn't have time to brag about how cool you were, as another two zombies appeared. You dealt with them as quickly as possible, backing away from them to stay out of their range. Thank Mojang for their slow speed.

An arrow was fired towards you, and a skeleton appeared from behind a corner. You sprinted towards it before it could draw another and critically hit it in the ribcage. You could have sworn there were hit particles, but you froze as heard a breaking noise and saw Jesse's sword had broken. His eyes were wide as a spider crawled towards him and Reuben.

"Reuben, run!" He called, Reuben already running away into the forest.

The spider jumped on him, and he fought against it grabbing it's gross, hairy legs. He threw it in your direction and you caught with the end of your blade, a gross squishing noise coming from the arachnid. With only a few mobs left and Jesse's sword gone you were cornered against a wall.

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