| ʙʀᴇᴡɪɴɢ ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇꜱ | ᴛᴇɴ

632 26 21

  You thought it was stupid. Somehow, everyone managed to escape except for you and the blonde, who you had to stay behind for since he ducked into a chest the instant the metal beast was formed.

  Ivor had run off to go commit secondhand mass genocide and you could only pray to the Minecraft gods that the others could stop him before all hell broke loose.

  For the time being, you focused on getting out of the basement -alive, and with Lukas too. You were hiding behind a bookshelf, peering at the iron golem around the corner. As it walked down a pathway between the bookshelves, you snuck around the corner and dashed across the aisle towards Lukas' chest. 

  He opened the lid as you approached, looking around before stepping out, "Where is it?" His voice was so low you could barely hear it, but you strained your ears to make out his words.

  "It's by the bottom of the staircase out of here." You muttered, recalling where you last saw it. "We'll have to lure it away so we can get through the door."

  Lukas nodded, "Everyone else got out though, right?"

  You smiled at his concern, "Don't worry, they're alright." You turned to the shelf beside you, pulling out a hardcover book and turning it over.

  A self-help book... you do you, witch-man.

  Before Lukas could ask what you were doing, you threw the book across the room, it creating a loud thump as it hit the ground. A smirk plastered onto your face as you heard the nearing of heavy footsteps.

  Lukas gasped beside you, but the golem continued past your secluded section in the library to where you had thrown the book. As soon as you heard it stop moving, you grabbed Lukas' hand and ran across the room towards the exit.

  "It'll hear us, Y/n!" Lukas didn't sound too worried despite his words. You were already a few steps away from the staircase and there was no sign of the iron monster. You ran up the stairway, catching a small glimpse of the golem as you slammed the wooden door behind you. Both you and Lukas sighed breathlessly in relief before hearing shouting from the stage.

  We're not out of the woods yet... I'll have to abort all previous plans, all hells broken loose. What about that potion? Did Axel take it?

  You continued to pull Lukas along, quickly making your way to the stage without seeming too suspicious. You pushed through the crowd, finally reaching the front of the stage just as Jesse began arguing with Gabriel. You had to admit, you thought he was a pretty big sleazebag, but his heart was (mostly) in the right place.

  "Gabriel, you have to liste-"

  "Jesse, Jesse, I understand. You weren't able to get tickets, so you and your little friends came up with this story to meet me. I'm happy to sign autographs lat-"

  "He's not lying. The man's name is Ivor." Fed up with Gabriel's self-absorbed sh- crap, you flopped onto the stage, not minding the crowd staring at your unglorious athletic ability and bottom as you wiggled onto the platform. You blamed your height.

  Gabriel's eyes widened, "Ivor? Why would he-"

  "He wants revenge. He was practicing some stupid entrance lines when we found him, and even went as far as to drug me when I saw he was collecting wither skulls, and pit an iron golem against us." 

  The crowd and extra attendants stared at you worriedly as murmurs broke loose, the well-versed swordswoman and man with newfound respect. Meanwhile, you were wondering if getting splashed by a potion was still considered as drugging someone. Was a potion even a drug?

  Gabriel sighed, "Very well, I'll look into it, but for now," He turned to the crowd, "The show must go on!"

  The people cheered for Gabriel, no longer minding the incoming threat. You grit your teeth, frustration overturning to panic as Ivor walked onstage, clapping.

  "Gabriel the Warrior... did you miss me?" Gabriel's attention snapped in Ivor's direction as soon as he heard his voice. His brows knotted together in frustration as he saw the greasy man. Ivor flicked a lever behind him, the soul sand and two other skulls slowly being pushed up by pistons.

  Gabriel turned to Ivor in fear, muttering his name before looking at you accusingly, "You should have told me it was urgent, girl."

  You couldn't help but twitch your eye, "It's your fault for not listening, you self-absorbed prick!" The crowed, as well as your friends gasped at your statement. It was like you'd just told a kindergarten class that Santa Claus wasn't real. "If you really do hold the right to your title, hurry up and fight him before he places that last skull!"

  Gabriel sent you a glare but obliged as he turned to face Ivor with his sword drawn. "What do you want?"

  Ivor's face lit up with an eerie smile, "Why, Gabriel, I only want the truth. These people deserve to know what really happened, what you really are." Ivor cackled manically.

  The personalities of the characters of this world were definitely different from in game, but in a good way, for the most part. Jesse was the kindhearted hero who loyally -and blindly- would do anything for his friends, and basically anyone. Oliva was a quick-witted inventor, always able to snap back with a cunning response. Axel was the prank-obsessed fanboy he was in game, though he definitely was more sarcastic. Lukas was more empathetic, and definitely revealing his true sweet-hearted nature despite still being the leader of a literal gang. And Petra... she was just cooler, if that was even possible.

  The characters were simply more realistic, they were their own persons, and less... fictitious. You loved how your friends (including Petra, since you hoped the two of you were friends) acted, though Gabriel and Ivor were another story. Gabriel was just a prick, but Ivor... he was insane. The deranged look in his eyes was so unstable that you couldn't help but fear him and wonder, 'is he too far gone?'

  Obviously, he should still be the same as he was in game, you hadn't done anything to affect him negatively, at least not before today. So why did he seem so off?

  It was better when he was square...


I think rock climbing is repeatedly killing and reviving my soul. It and I have a love hate relationship. I climb and have fun, then get sore and feel dead after, then look at the photos a week later and think how cool I am and do it again. But hey, at least feeling mentally-bed-ridden today produced the next chapter of this fanfiction.

Anyways, got anything you'd like to see happen in the story or as a bonus thing? I get quite a few comments, so I'd like to hear your guys' feedback.

Oh, also, sorry not sorry for cursing you all with my shortness


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