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Here's an introduction of our lovely characters, or rather how I intend to write them, but if you have your own head cannons, please don't mind these. I also looked up their cannon ages, don't know if the source is good though.




   -Pretends he doesn't like anyone but he's a real softie.

   -Incredibly annoying when grumpy. For example, when he doesn't get his way or someone makes fun of him, even in a friendly/ joking way and when he is too.

   -Y/n called it his 'man-period' once and he absolutely hated it, which she said just proved her point.

   -Is actually pretty smart but underestimates his abilities so he usually chooses the easy option.

   -Incredibly blunt, the whole "speak before you think" kind of person.

   -Doesn't speak up much around people he doesn't know well because of being made fun of in the past/ people not liking his sense of humor.

   -Thinks that no one notices when he takes (steals) food from the fridge.

   -Also thinks he's a master prankster when the only person he's ever fooled is Jesse (who is faint of heart).

   -REALLY likes to gang up on people (mostly Olivia, Jesse, or Y/n, but most of the time she's doing the ganging up)




   -Uses Axel as a cover-story for when he takes (also steals) things from the fridge.

   -Wondered how Y/n came to living in the forest in the middle of nowhere but was too nervous to ask and now has completely forgotten.

   -Sometimes he thinks rude things about people (never his friends, of course) and then thinks he's a terrible person despite Axel saying them to him and just having forgotten that he did.

   -Played pretend that he was a superhero/ ninja/ main-character troupe (action poses, fight scenes, he did it all) until he was in his teen years (now it's just in his head).

   -He totally stole some of Olivia's make-up once and is now ashamed of thinking it was easy to do.

   -He's never cussed in front of anyone but when he does he thinks he's like a bad boy in some greaser movie.

   -He overthinks a lot, but then he realizes he's overthinking and just kind of brushes it aside until he can talk to Olivia and she tells him he's being an idiot since it's what he needs to hear (in a reassuring way, of course, "Oh, Jesse. Quit thinking like that, dummy. They don't care.")

   -Has a collection of cowboy boots he thinks are super cool and loves to show off but doesn't want them to get dirty so he only wears old pairs.

   -He may or may not have a crush, he's not sure yet.




   -Y/n's bff for life. No, she does not have a choice on this but loves it anyways.

   -Constantly worrying her friends will get themselves hurt.

   -Doesn't like when people cuss so none of her friends do (at least around her)

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