Part 13.

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A/N: Right on time. Heh.
Guess who's going on a date *cough* me *cough*

Nico POV:

I stared at Will's side. There were scars of all shapes and sizes, granted, they weren't as plentiful as mine from.....that place...... but even I could see that they were from abuse.
But the only questions in my mind were one; who the fuck did this to my boyfriend, and,  more importantly where do they live.

Aside from Natasha and Bucky, who must have been spies or something by their impenetrable masks, the Kidnappers all looked absolutely gobsmacked, gaping from their various positions in the room. At least I was used to seeing demigod scars. I mean, I've seen Percy's and his are worse than most.
The Kidnappers probably had no such experience, if the horrified expressions glued to their faces was anything to go off of.

Bruce was the first to snap out of it.

"Who....who did this to you?" He murmured softly, his hand reaching out to brush against one of the worst scars on Will's shoulder. Will flinched at the contact but didn't pull away, his eyes glued to his hands that were clasped in his lap.

Will sat in silence for what felt like hours to my ADHD mind, until he slowly shook his head.

I could tell he was feeling vulnerable with all the eyes on him, so, without hesitation I pulled him into a hug.

Will froze for a moment, before returning the hug, squeezing tightly.
After a few seconds I felt him shake slightly as he cried into my shoulder, small sniffles and sobs escaping his mouth.

Steve POV:

I stared, still slightly in shock, at the two boys hugging.

I had seen scars, yes. It came with being a hero, but whatever I had previously seen was nothing compared to the ones decorating Will's torso.
Pity seized my chest as the blond began to cry.

~Le time skippy because idk how to write this and because my wiki-how on how to wrap a broken rib won't load~

Bruce had forced us all out of the infirmary, excluding Nico, so now the rest of the team was waiting in the kitchen.

Something had been on my mind for a while now. Ever since Tony told me about the LGBTQ+ community, I keep remembering moments from the past; since before I became Captain America.
Back when it was just me and Bucky.

The history books literally say it.
And they were roommates.
But we were more than that.

Ever since we've been in the 'modern world', as Tony likes to put it, we haven't talked about it.
Up until Tony told me, I thought it was still considered revolting and unlawful by society.

I walked over to where Bucky was sitting at the counter, chatting to Wanda and grabbed him by the arm.

"We need to talk."

A/N: And they were roommates
Sorry that it's short and a bit shitty, I'll try to update soon, but life's been a bit hectic lately.

Also, I'm re-naming this fic Kidnapped: Again?!?! (Solangelo x Avengers)

C'ya soon!


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