Part 8.

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Guess who's back!

I'll keep this short and just say that I'm glad to back to writing this story.

On with the show!

Nico POV:

.....Two days since last bit.....

Uuggggg. I just wanted to have an uneventful trip with my boyfriend, but noooo the Fates just had to intervine.

Currently, I was sulking in the bedroom the Kidnappers had oh so kindly given us. Not the sarcasm. Will was taking a shower so I was left all to my lonesome.  So I just sat there with my legs swinging off the edge of the bed and contemplating mass homoside (let's be honest, we all have). Of course, the door was unlocked and I could go and anno- hang out with one of the Kidnappers, but frankly, I find all of them infuriating in some way or another. Except for the quiet guy with the metal arm. I think his name is Bucky, but I don't actually care. He seems fine, and by fine I mean he doesn't try to socialise with me.

My stomach grumbled and I let out a tired sigh, if they were gonna keep us here than I may as well eat their food.

Heading out the door a walked to the stairs, my feet barely making a sound against the carpeted hallways.

I reached the stairwell and looked to the elevator next to it. I shuddered, trying not to think about the DOD and started running down the stairs.

15 flights of stairs later and I was barley out of breath as I entered the kitchen and made my way over to the cabinet and opened it to reveal boxes and boxes of Pop-Tarts. I reached in to grab one and noticed a Paige of paper stating in messy hand writing 'Od nto eta, -Tohr' or at least that's what it looked like with the pink crayon floating off the page.

Deciding that I didn't care enough to try reading it again, I grabbed my box and went to the attached common room,  wherein I placed my Pop-Tarts on the coffee table and grabbed a few blankets, forming a sort of nest out of them on a couch.

Once it was done I grabbed the Pop-Tarts and sat in it, snuggling deep enough into it so that if one on the Kidnappers came in, there was a decent chance of them not seeing me, and thus, I will be spared the mentally draining task of telling them to go away and leave me in peace.

Le time skippy-roozykles brought to you by Kermit the asparagus and his amazing band of flying hamburgers. Yes the author is hungry. No she cannot be bothered getting some food from her grandmas kitchen.

When I was halfway through my box of Pop-Tarts, a freshly showered Will walked into the common room, seemingly looking for something.

When his eyes landed on my nest he seemed to overlook it for a moment before his eyes snapped back to my burrow.

A smile edged its way onto his face as he came over to the couch.
I scotched over  and he sat down next to me, leaning a bit on my side. He smelled clean and fresh with a hint of lemon.

"There you are, Sunshine." He said softly, smiling at me.

"Sorry, I was hungry so I came down for a snack." I responded, gazing fondly at my boyfriend. What did I do to deserve him.

I proffered the box at him and he grabbed one out, peeling off the packaging before he ate it slowly.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before I slowly pulled Will into an embrace, pressing my head into his chest.

Without a moments hesitation he leaned in a wrapped his arms around me, his fingers rubbing circles in my back as I snuggled into his overly warm self.

Almost without noticing, I drifted off into a deep sleep........

Natasha POV:

"I believe this makes it nineteen to one." I say as I pin Clint to the ground, my forearm resting tense on his throat.

"One more round! I bet I'll win!" Clint begged childishly as I got off him and watched him get up.

"As much as I would enjoy kicking your ass at sparing again, I need food." I say and turn on my heel heading towards the elevator. Grumbling, Clint followed.

I wonder if I'll see one of the boys my teammates have essentially kidnapped while in the kitchen. I doubt it, they mostly spend their time together in Nico's room.

Tony had made sure that they were sleeping in different rooms considering they were a couple, a decision which the team all agreed upon for once.

I grabbed a berry smoothie from the fridge that I had pre-made yesterday and made my way to the common room.

Entering, I immediately saw a large bundle of blankets that seemed to be moving ever-so-slightly.

Curious, I walk over, feet not making a sound and peek into the opening.

The sight which I beheld, I admit, was cute enough to make my heart of ice melt just a little.

The two boys, Nico and Will, were curled inside, Both sound asleep.
Nico was hugging onto Will, almost lying on top of the larger boy, while Will was grasping Nico just as tenderly, his chin resting on the top of Nico's head.

I smiled and snapped a picture on my phone before going back to kitchen where I drank my smoothie, not wanting to wake up to two lovers.

I ship it.


So sorry for the extended wait, I got a job working in the kitchen of my uncle's cafe and have been working 6-7 hours a day, so I've been really busy lol. My dumb ass didn't bring a charger for my laptop so I ended up writing this on my phone anyways.

To make up for it being late I made it a bit longer than usual, and I'll try to update soon, but no promises.

It's currently 20 past 10 at night and I have to get up at 6:30 for work tomorrow, so I need to go to bed now lol.

Happy late Christmas and a merry new year!


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