Part 10.

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A/N : Sorry it's a bit late lol, I wrote it ages ago, but for some reason it must have not updated sorry.

I'm writing this on my laptop instead of my phone, so if the formatting is different or anything, that would be why.

Also you might wanna read the last bit of part 9 just so you're up to speed lol.

Will POV:

I swiveled my head towards the Avengers where Tony and Clint were smooshed onto a love seat across from us, with the exception of a tall man who I didn't recognize standing behind the couch, watching with slight confusion.

The man had salt and pepper hair and was wearing what seemed to be a blue tunic with a red billowing cloak on it. 

Fixing them with a withering glare, I turned my focus back onto my Nico. Is it just me, or did he get cuter overnight? Or was it the lighting of the living room improving his olive glow? Focus, Solace. Not the time.

He smiled up at me lightly with that eye -pleasing, gut wrenching gorgeousness that I know and love. Ok, maybe the time.  "How was your sleep, Sunshine?" I ask him, my voice barely louder than a whisper. "It was good enough. Though I must say, you make a very good pillow." Nico answers, his morning voice low and husky, making me fall for him just a little bit more, if that was possible.

The Strange (he he he) yet oddly familiar man cleared their throat. "Tony, why are there kids snuggling on your sofa?" At that statement, Nico blushed, hiding it by pulling his face closer to me. 

Tony turned with surprise showing clearly on his face. "Steven! When did you get back! Are the others with you?" I have no idea what 'others' Tony might have been referring too, but I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later.

"I just arrived, and yes, they are. Now back to the matter at hand, who are they?" 'Steven' questioned, gesturing to Nico and I. "oh, ya. This is Nico and Will, Nico and Will, this is Steven Strange." Explained Tony sheepishly. 

Strange looked up at Nico and I and his eyes flashed with recognition. Why would he- OH!

"You're that guy who came to camp ages ago to get help from Hecate! What are you doing here?" I said, putting words to my realization. Tony and Clint both looked confused but Steven just nodded. "I could ask you much the same. Are you aware of the Mist's.... Disappearance?" he asked questioningly. We simply nod grimly while Tony and Clint are left to be even more confused. 

Just then, a buff guy with black hair and a metal arm walked into the room, stopping when he caught sight of me and Nico. Following him was a young woman with long red hair, a boy around her age with short white hair following soon after. I guess these must be the 'others' Tony had referred to. 

Seeing us, the white haired boy seemed to blur as he ran over to us in less than a second. "Son of Hades!" I swore in surprise. "Yes?" came Nico's response. I swatted at him playfully, and he looked up at me with the jaw dropping heart pounding, show stopping grin of his.

"Who are these two? Did you adopt more homeless teens without telling us Tony?" More? "Everybody, meet Will and Nico, Will and Nico, meet Bucky, Wanda and Pietro." Replied Tony pointedly ignoring the last part. 

Moments later, Steve walked in, smiling when he saw Bucky and the others. "Good everybody's here. Team meeting, 2 minutes." With that he walked out, most of the new arrivals leaving with him.  

It's easy to write when you have math homework that you don't want to do.

Sorry it's short, but I'll try to have the next one out by sometime next week.


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