Part 4

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A/N: I legit have no idea how to write a fight scene so bare with me.


Also, I forgot to mention this in the last chapter, but Thor is dealing with some stuff on Asguard

Also, this chappy is dedicated to my really cool sister Ehobep because she paid for my fries. So thank you Bep!

Edited 24-1-24

Steve (Captain America) POV 

We charged outside after the teens and into the parking lot.

The blonde had out a bow (where did he get that?!?!) and was shooting at the flock of evil-looking birds with faces that were dive-bombing them.

The vaguely familiar-looking Emo one was holding a pitch-black sword that seemed to be sucking the light away from it.

I threw my shield at one of them, but to my utter disbelief, it bounced right off!

Natasha was throwing knives at the same time as shooting her gun, but the monster's hide seemed to be essentially impenetrable!

Clint was having just as much luck with his arrows.

Bruce was sitting in a corner, trying not to Hulk-out.

A moment later Tony joined the fight, shooting repulsers at the monsters to no effect.

To my amazement, the two boys had managed to take down almost the entire flock.

After a few minutes of us attempting to take down the monsters, only 2 were left.

I take it back, 1 now because the blonde managed to hit it with one of his arrows. It exploded into a puff of golden dust just like all of the others.

Then to my utmost dismay, the last creature snuck up behind the Emo one and before I could yell a warning, it slashed his side with its talons.

The boy cried out in agony but managed to spin around and jab it with his sword. It crumbled to dust and he collapsed.

I rushed forward and caught him just before he hit the ground.

Lowering him gently I try to assess the damage. I knew he'd be fine though, because the author wouldn't want the main character to die. *looks at the massive hole in the fourth wall* oops...
Sorry Miss Author! Please don't kill me! Anyways, back to the plot.

The blonde ran up to me and started rummaging in his pockets for something.

Finding what he was looking for his hand emerged holding a plastic zip-lock bag of what looked suspiciously like lemon squares.

He crouched down and managed to shove one into the other boy's mouth.

What on earth is he doi- my thoughts were cut short by the injured teen's eyes flying open.

"Hey beautiful," he says to the blonde in a raspy voice.

"Don't you 'beautiful' me! I thought we talked about this. No getting injured in any way that might cut our holiday short. And what do you do? You get attacked by harpies!" The blonde snapped back

"Well, it's hardly my fault that they attacked is it?"

"I know. I'm just worried." The blonde sighed in defeat

Then the other Avengers began swarming us.

"Is he alright?!?!" Asked a very concerned Bruce rushing up to crouch down and inspect the boy's side.

Before he could lift his shirt the teen swatted his hand away and sat up wincing slightly.

"I'm fine. Let's go, Will." He said.

Will opened his mouth to argue but Bruce got there first.

"No way! You just got clawed by a monster! You shouldn't even be sitting up!"

The teen sent a bone-chilling glare at Bruce, and even though that glare made me want to run for the hills even though it wasn't directed towards me.

The teen looked at the other one, Will if I remember correctly, and sent him a questioning glance. Will nodded and made a 'just go along with it' expression.

The teen sighed and laid his neck down.

Then Bruce spoke up again,

"We need to take him to the Tower. Steve you take his head I'll take his legs."

I nod and together we lift the child and start to rush him towards the car, Will following close behind.

A/N: *le gasp* what's this?
It appears to be the rare anomaly commonly known as an Update!

Also, the next chappy is coming soon, I just edited this one. Let me know if you see any mistakes!


It's me, hi! I hope it's not a problem, but I am back to editing this story. Maybe. Bye!

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