Part 11.

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A/N: In celebration of hitting 50 followers, you get this chappy early!

Will POV:

As the last of the Avengers filed out, me and Nico both swivelled our heads to look at each other.

"Vents?" Nico suggested, and I nodded in agreement.
We had discovered on the second day here that no one really checked the vents other than Clint, and they were sturdy enough to hold the both of us at once.

Standing on the couch closest to the wall, I hoist Nico up into the vent, following shortly after myself.
The vents were well ventilated, (I know, shocker.) and a little chilly. And some of them even have carpet!

We crawled to the vent entrance in the meeting room that the Avengers usually use when they have team meetings and settled into position, listening in on Mr. America as he started off the meeting.
Right now he was informing them on some things that had happened around the world, most of which seemed irrelevant, like Mexico making a new cheese factory.

After a few more minutes of pleasantries and general information, it seemed to start for real.
Mr. America stood up, while a holographic image of what seemed to be a 3D view of a building rose from the table.

"This, is the most recent HYDRA base that SHEILD has discovered. It is one of the sixteen that is estimated to be left of the organisation. SHEILD's hackers have discovered that this specific base is being used for holding and experimenting on what appears to be powered individuals, as the reports and data would suggest. Our mission is to stealthily break into the base, rescue all captives, taking them to a secure SHEILD facility, detain any and all HYDRA agents, grab samples of their experiments, then blow the place to bits. We'll be leaving in four hours."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in before asking, "Any questions?" All the hands went up.

Hydra? Like, the monster? Shield? I'm so confused.

After answering a lot of questions regarding the mission, most of which I spaced out for, the sound of my name caught my attention. "Who's gonna watch Nico and Will?" My head snapped to look at who had spoken. Natasha.

"We could." Said Bucky, gesturing to himself, Mr. Wizard, Pietro and Wanda. "We just got back from our last mission, it would be nice to have a bit of a rest." Wanda piped up, Pietro nodding in agreement.

They didn't have time for the others to fully agree before a loud grown came from the vents beneath us. Dam you Fates. Dam you.

Steve POV:

We all snapped our focus onto the vent as it let out another groan, then, a section of the vent seemed to fall out, a surprised and annoyed looking Will tumbling out with it.

He landed with a crash before any of us had thought to catch him.
We all rushed over and he let out a stifled groan of pain as Bruce gently rolled him over.

I looked up and saw Nico poking his head from the new hole in the vent, a concerned look on his face. "You all right Will?" Nico asked, drawing the attention of the others. "I'm fine." Was Will's muffled response.

"You most certainly are not fine. You just fell 8 feet! You might have broken a rib! You need to go to the infirmary!" Exclaimed Bruce, his voice tinted with concern. "I'm fine." Said Will through his teeth, sitting up. But his wince gave him away.

"I still need to check for injuries. Just a quick checkup in the infirmary. I insist." Bruce's tone gave no room for debate, yet Will shook is head and tried to stand up, saying, "I really am fine. A little fall never killed anyone."  At this, Bruce raised an eyebrow and prodded Will lightly on the ribs. "Ow!" Was Will's involuntary response.

"Ya, you're going to the infirmary, and that's not up for debate. Nico, get down here you're getting one too."

After helping Nico down from the vent and trying to help Will to stand up, key word trying, we ended up having Clint carry him.

A/N: Again, thank you all SO much for 50 followers, it makes me so happy and I'm so grateful for your kindness and support!
I'll try to get the next chappy out as soon as possible.

Vote. Comment. Tell me what you think will happen if you put in conditioner before shampoo? (I think you'll spontaneously combust.)


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