Cut to the fucking chase

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D E R E K ' S   P O V

She's not coming.

I've been sitting at the diner, tucked away in the back corner booth for hours now. This is the first place we got dinner together months ago after I helped Layla buy her car. I picked this place because only she would know where it was. It's the most secluded place I know and I didn't want to have to write down an address and risk being followed.

I've been watching out the window all night, staring at the hours pass by on the clock, but there's no sign of her coming.

I'm on edge every time the bell above the door sounds, checking who walks through the door. There's an elderly couple eating dinner at one of the tables and a few truck drivers have passed through but no Layla.

Not yet. I'll sit here all night in case she shows up. That means she hasn't completely given up on us yet.

The bell over the door chimes and like I have all night, I look up and to my surprise, this time it is her. My heart fills with hope at the sight of her.

Layla's hood is up and her sweater and cheeks are covered in raindrops because it's pouring outside. She takes down her hood and scans the diner. There's no reaction when she sees me sitting here. If anything, her reaction is pure and utter disgust at the sight of me. There's no denying it, she looks fucking miserable. I hate that I'm the reason for it.

Layla doesn't say anything as she sits across from me. She eyes me cautiously and her guard is up, which is completely understandable.

"I got you a chocolate milkshake," I say, breaking the ice. They're her favourite. "It's melted now but—"

Okay, stalling was clearly not the way to go because Layla very quickly rolls her eyes and gets up from the table.

I grab her arm, stopping her. "Layla, I didn't sleep with her."

Layla pauses and I feel her arm tense beneath my fingers like she wants to pull away but can't. She still doesn't look at me, she's staring at the door like she about to bolt.

"I promise you, Layla." I say, pleading her to stay and let me explain. "I did not sleep with that girl."

That gets her attention and she finally looks back at me. "What?" she asks quietly, completely confused.

"Layla, I would never cheat on you." I say sincerely. "Drunk, sober, knife to my throat. I would never."

"Then why did you tell me you did?" She asks, trying to mask the pain in her voice.

I motion for her to sit back down and she does, albeit very skeptically and I sigh, rubbing my temples to try to alleviate the pressure that's been building there for days. "She's blackmailing me."

Still not completely convinced, Layla's face hardens. "Tell me everything."

"After I got your text that you were staying over at Penelope's, Spencer and I left the bar and went home. I went to sleep but when I woke up the next morning..."

My head is pounding. I didn't even drink that much last night but I think I am officially at the stage in my life where the hangover is not worth the few drinks.

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