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L A Y L A ' S P O V

One thing I don't miss about downtown Chicago? The traffic.

What should have been a ten minute drive has turn to forty five and we're stuck in a sea of red lights and drivers who I can only guess got their license out of a lucky dip.

"You're driving a Prius not a semi," Derek waves his hands towards the windscreen even though he and I both know there's no way the driver of that car can see him. "Just go."

Despite the obnoxiously slow driver in front of us, my Christmas playlist is still playing through the speakers, it's snowing outside but the car is filled with warmth as is the hot chocolate I'm clutching in my hands.

"Your road rage is ruining my Christmas vibe."

"This traffic is ruining my Christmas vibe," Derek laughs. He takes a right turn and the road is clear and we've got a green light. "Finally."

After we got back on the road last night we decided to stop at a hotel to get some sleep and be able to get showered and cleaned up before we got into Chicago this afternoon. Derek said the hotel bed was shitty but I used him as my mattress so I slept perfectly.

Our first stop today is the Chicago police department. I know my brother is on shift today and Derek also wanted to catch up with a few old friends he worked with before the holidays. There's also someone else I'd like to talk to while we're there.

When we finally pull up to the police station Derek parks and while he hops out of the car, I quickly drain the last of my hot chocolate. I throw open my door and groan.

I love Christmas and snow, but the sludge that was once crisp white snow that turns brown and collects at the edge of the road? Not so much.

I took to Derek.

He looks back at me.

"You want me to lift you over the snow, don't you?"

Yes. I flash him the smile he can't say no to. "It can't be called snow if it's brown and," I wave my hand towards my shoes. "I'm wearing new boots."

Derek heaves an amused sigh. "You really are something else."

He picks me up out of the car and doesn't set me down until we're at the front door of the police station. I smile and kiss his lips. "I could get used to the princess treatment."

Derek grins, placing his hand on my lower back before he opens the door and guides me through. "And you will."

We walk down the hall and into the main room. The layout of this office is kind of like our bullpen, with a sea of desks across the room. Scanning the room, I can already see my brother in the far corner but when I look towards Derek, he's already catching up with someone.

Leaving him to it, I make my way over to where my brother is working at his desk and knock my foot to his chair to get his attention. "Merry Christmas fucker."

Adam swivels in his seat, face brightening with a wide grin at the sight of me. He's laughing when he stands and pulls me into a hug. "I'd hit you for that comment if I hadn't seen you in months."

My brother and I are only three years apart and excluding my teenage rebellion years of I hate everyone and everything, we've always been pretty close.

"Wait," He laughs, pulling back to look at me. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, Der—"

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