You want to have my babies?

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L A Y L A ' S P O V

"We need pizza, chicken nuggets, fries, lots of snacks, cereal and juices. Do you know if he prefers apple or orange?"

"Orange," Derek says, rolling the shopping cart to a stop beside me. He eyes me cautiously as I continue to fill the cart with copious amounts of food. "And he's three, Layla. We're not feeding an Olympic athlete."

"I know," I say, stacking some fruit roll ups on top of the capri suns. "But I want to make sure we have everything he likes."

"He's related to you," Derek chuckles, grabbing the box of cheerios I'm struggling to reach from the top shelf. "He'll like anything we put in front of him."

Spencer and Averie are going away for the weekend on a trip for their anniversary and they're trusting us to watch Aidan and I want to make sure he has a good time staying with Derek and I. Hence why we spent our morning traipsing around the stores making sure we have everything we need to keep him occupied.

Aiming to be his favourite aunt and uncle, Derek and I have a night full movies planned, games and letting Aidan eat all the junk food his little heart can handle. Or stomach. Now looking at all the candy in the shopping cart I'm second guessing my decision. Our night could go south very quickly.

"If he pukes, you're cleaning it up."

"Oh god," Derek groans, dragging his hand down his face. "We really didn't think this through."

"I thought it through just fine," I say with a devilish smile. "Which is why I called dibs on not cleaning it up."

Derek slips his hand around my waist, pulling me into him before he drops his lips to mine. "You're lucky I love you."

We spend the next twenty minutes actually making good use of our time here and picking up some essentials like bread, coffee creamer, toothpaste and other food bits to get us through the week.

I stop short of my sentence when Derek and I are in the middle of discussing whether to get fresh or frozen vegetables. "This is very domestic of us."

Derek laughs. "This is definitely one of our more wholesome Friday afternoons."

"Wholesome.. that reminds me," I say, guiding Derek out of the food section and over to the clothes. "I need new pyjamas."

The corners of Derek's mouth tug down. "But I like your pyjamas."

Anything I own that vaguely resembles pyjamas are not suitable for anyone's eyes but Derek's. "I don't have any pyjamas."

Derek frown turns into a cheeky wide grin. "Exactly."

My eyes narrow teasingly. "You're so funny. You know what else is funny?"

It's funny that I could give him one look right now that will leave him in a very awkward situation that he doesn't want to be in right here in the middle of this aisle.

Derek's face drops. He knows me too well. "Layla, please don't."

With a satisfied smirk, I turn and walk down the pyjamas aisle. I absolutely love the power I have over him. I kissed him in the car then we had to wait for five minutes for his dick to go down before we could come into the store.

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