Keep your dick in your pants

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D E R E K ' S P O V

This night has quickly turned into an impromptu birthday gathering for Layla, as opposed to what it would have been. Everyone mourning me. Boy did I dodge a bullet with that one.

It's late and we're out on my back patio. We're all sitting on the couches, gathered around the fire pit. Drinks are flowing for almost everyone, but Layla's been sipping on the same glass of wine for an hour and the level in my beer is barely past the neck. Without even saying anything, we had the same idea that we don't want to get drunk tonight.

Emily did not share our idea and the forth glass of wine in her hand sloshes when she stands up and takes a deep breath of fresh air. Her hazy eyes land in the direction of Layla and I. "I'm so happy for you guys and not to steal your thunder.." Her eyes float to Hotch. "But now that we know it's not a problem..." She links hands with JJ. "JJ and I are dating too."


Everyone turns to look at me after that little outburst but I can't be the only one not surprised at all by that news.

"Come on," I groan, sweeping my hand out. "We were better at hiding it than them."

Hotch chuckles behind the hand that's pinching the bridge of his nose. "Anyone else have any secrets to share? Now's the time."

JJ gives him an amused side eye, hiding behind the rim of her wine glass. "Rossi and the section chief but that's none of my business."

Rossi let's his eyes fall closed when he takes a deep breath. He raises one finger into the air. "I officially spend too much time with you people."

Penelope, who is also on her fourth glass of wine, grabs Layla's hand, smiling broadly at her. "If someone's taking my place for number one in Derek's heart, I'm so glad it's you."

"Awe Pen," Layla grins. "No one can replace you for number one in his heart and I'm okay with that."

Layla is tucked into my side and it feels so good to have my arm around her and not worry about hiding us because it was getting really torturous towards the end.

The orange flames of the fire illuminate Layla, highlighting the soft contours of her face. When I watch her eyes crinkle and a breathtaking smile cross her face while she laughs at something Penelope says, I can't help but drop my lips to her temple. Layla turns to look at me.

Her eyes are still a little bloodshot and it hurts my heart to think about how upset she was earlier. I didn't even hear anything about the plane crash until I stepped in the door. But those tears quickly turned to tears of joy when she saw me and her whole body sagged with relief when I caught her in my arms.

I don't blame her. If that situation was the other way around and I thought it was her that was in a plane crash, I'd be following straight after her because I don't want to be here if she isn't.

I still can't believe Layla quit her job on the spot for me. Not that I wouldn't do that for her because I absolutely would, because if Hotch had said Layla and I dating would have been a problem I would have been giving my notice on Monday morning too.

Looking into her emerald eyes, everyone else fades into the background. There's music playing, everyone's talking and no one is paying attention to us, but still, I whisper because this is the first chance we've got to talk alone all night. "Hi, beautiful."

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